
have you been to Hive? lol i'll take the curation on LEO 10 times out of 10 here lol You need a secret handshake and known nuclear clearance codes to get voted by whales on Hive lol

I use peakd for some stuff, but have only published one blog, so not really. That being said, I see Introduction blogs doing very well there, but not so much here

Yeah intro posts give people on Hive false hope. They think that's a normal thing to get those big rewards everytime. Which in turns, leaves people frustrated and they end up giving up. I think curation needs to be steady. That keeps people I think, as long as it's steady, people will continue to show up.

Right and we have neither really

I've dedicated the past 6 years to this blockchain, and by no means can I live off what I earn here, but it's pretty steady. We have VERY steady curation here. But it can always be improved. Thats why I made sure I reached 100k $LEO this year....I want to do my part to spread the token out and not keep it for a select few like on Hive.

The curation on LEO is severely lacking and more robotic than organic, which is why it really isn't worth mentioning. Curation has the ability to drive engagement, improve the content we see, create excitement and teach through challenges.

How would you change it, if you had the power to do it? What would you change?