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RE: My response to @bitcoinflood - Do delegations Undermine The Entire POB Concept

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Imo, @bitcoinflood showed us the 2 sides of a coin i.e. how Delegations can be used in a democratic system like PoB? After reading his post one must ponder upon their habits on the chain and decide what kind of a culture we want to create & promote as a community.

While there are Cons of delegation, we can always choose not to take advantage of it if we really want this ecosystem to thrive.

His post indirectly asked us this question - What will you do with your delegation? Will you use it in a decentralized manner to work for the benefit of the platform? Or will you satisfy your greed?

And you have answered these questions very well @amr008. Choosing to be on the right side of things. I am sure with constant feedback and suggestions, the system you have created will become better & more decentralized as compared to what it is currently. It's the intention that matters and you have the code to show it. ;) Cheers bro!!! You are doing great work. Will be delegating some of my PoB to you as soon as I get my delegation back from Brofi. Don't want to miss those crazy APRs while feeling good about my stake being used to reward people who are adding value.

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Totally agree with you . As I said , a lot of points mentioned in his posts makes total sense to me .

I keep on trying to improve the script ( code ) too :) Thank you for your opinion , makes me happy :) hehe

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta