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RE: Happy birthday to Hive - Data for past year and My journey on Hive .

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Awesome man. Your story is quite inspiring and liberating for anyone who has joined HIVE recently. This place can actually change lives and I am witnessing it in front of my eyes. Sad that you could not continue playing tennis as a professional but no issues. Life has brought you a different opportunity and you are killing it so far. I am so glad that I found you here because for me, you are an inspiration. Hope you achieve you HIVE goals as early as possible. Cheers!!!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


You just made my week with this comment :) I appreciate you taking time to express this @finguru .

Life has brought you a different opportunity and you are killing it so far.

You are right , if tennis worked out most probably I wouldn't have found Hive :) I am happy with whatever happened , no regrets .

I found you here because for me, you are an inspiration.

You don't know how much this means to me . Thanks again .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Chees man, have fun & earn lots of crypto. 🤞

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta