
MATIC is still vulnerable to rug pulls, as they've shown. I won't be touching that one. I'll stick with CUB and probably look into the new Pulsechain when that comes out. Not your keys, not your crypto and MATIC still holds admin keys on their products. I'm not saying anything bad will happen, but it's definitely still a very real risk. There are better ways to earn yield, many of which are right here in Hive. The best investors in the world don't get too spread out. They learn everything they can about a few things and then go heavy in the ones they believe in.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Not your keys, not your crypto
That's true. It's a risky game out there and Polygon seems more vulnerable lately. Hacks are imminent and I hope they learn and make the system more immune.

Speaking from the development perspective it's a great news for the development of ZK technology. Everyone wants to lead this game, even Vitalik. It could solve Ethereum's scaling issues in the long term.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

No I really didn't buy any MATIC. I was kind of waiting for that IDO but I didn't feel like jumping into those platforms.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I was waiting for Polygon CUB IDO but looks like it will be launched after another token.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I never really got into MATIC... I guess Im missing out on that one but there is so much stuff out there that I'm okay with that

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta