
Not a hoax. Hemp was a very big crop here in the United States. We have a term called smoking rope here in the United States. Rope was traditionally made from hemp.

Hemp is very easy to grow. There is a reason its nickname is weed.

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Even some types of fabric were made from hemp. It's actually a very versatile material.

It's a shame that we don't use it as well as we could because of very outdated ideas and limitations

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The stalks of the hemp plant consist of two layers: The outer layer is formed from rope-like bast fibers, and the inner layer consists of a woody pith. Only the outer layer of the Cannabis sativa stalk is used for textile purposes; the inner, woody layer is commonly used for fuel, building materials, and animal bedding.

SEWPORT.COM:   What is Hemp Fabric: Properties, How its Made and Where


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Oh yeah. That's so cool. In India where I live, it grows automatically adjacent to the roads. Big 6 feet tall bushes of Weed. 😂 😂

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