Another #TooFuckeh review from a bellend on CTPX

in LeoFinance28 days ago

This morning I decided to check if #CTPX was online. It is turning out to be one of the worst affiliate program I have joined in many years. For many reason. Lets start with the bellend that has been trolling me since I joined Hive.


The above image is a site review received from Nelson,

I #LUV everyone but some people I do lot like. Well, actually it is their action that I do not like. Nelson is like our PEPT #1 #TooFuckeh Award Winner.


You see Nelson knows more about crypto than anyone on Earth. This bellend has been on my case to producing a White Paper for PEPT. As if he is an expert on the matter. Most White Papers are bullshit documents that are routed in genocidal policies against Indigenous people. These White Paper policies are dismissive of any people who does not kiss the ring of the Imperial leader.


Nelson says...

you need a white paper so people can read your plans for the present and future of your bull shit coins.

This is a great example of BBB. No, not Better Business Bureau but Bullshit Baffles Brains. Why do so many people keep behaving in old ways and expect better results than the last bull shitter? I have no idea what will happen in the future. However, I can speculate based on various datasets. I like to look at how things work and I evaluate possible solutions to boost effectiveness and efficiencies that drives productivity and thus higher returns on my efforts. And I share as much as possible because each time I do I learn from feedback. Just like I learn from Nelson's feedback. Sad that he is filled with hate and on a mission to discredit my efforts. Aw well, I will demonstrate how I turn his negative energy into something more productive. As per my present plan, watch and learn. If you don't understand something ask questions.

Finally ctpx is finally nice to surf without your bull shit.

The site is mostly dead. In fact, it is another creation of many that have failed because of mismanagement and excessive hype. I was not born yesterday. I have seen many affiliate programs fail and this one is another on a long list involving @jongolson

I am sadden by the number of failed projects. Not so much for the project as much as for the people who spent money to support a site/program that is destined to fail. There is a pattern of selling failed projects. New owners get fooled and eventually their investments take a hit. When I joined CTPX it was part of resolving an issue around Jon owing me money. Look what happened. Jon bailed out and passed his debt to a new owner who now owes me money and is not available to support the service agreed to be delivered.

The next image shows commissioned owed to FJ World Inc. No big deal, FJWI is well managed and knows how to manage risks. The losses are small compared to the profits. Sometimes the loss is most valuable in assessing a business relationship.


In the next snippet you can see that my CTPX membership upgrade will expire on June 5, 2024

The next image shows the CTPX stats for
.. ad campaign where you see only 10 members per day surfing content on CTPX


I am not one to give up and I have no problem calling out people that generate an excessive amount of negative energy. Too many people get fooled by so called experts like Nelson, that push hype and bullshit documents filled with speculation and false hope. Nelson reminds me of Pierre Poilievre, the Leader of the Official Opposition of Canada who never offers solutions but constantly makes personal attacks to those that do provide solutions.

About PEPT


PEPT price is expected to continue its climb as many of its products and services get developed and delivered. We started on Hive with a price valued near $1.00 Canadian. In June 2023 the token had a 2 for 1 split. Since then we have climbed to almost 6.00 Hives per token.

You do not need a White Paper to make money online. You need to Learn Before You Earn so you can build long lasting and trusting business relationships.

You are invited to join and engage in Project ePayTraffic (PEPT). A traffic exchange community on Hive that is all inclusive to making money from moving internet traffic.

Yesterday, a new Hive community was created to specifically address the many aspects of operating a Traffic Exchange (TE) online business. This is specific to using the classic LFMTE manual traffic exchange script. I am hoping to attract more traffic exchange owners to engage on Hive. Its a huge opportunity to revive manual traffic exchange marketplace.

Nelson, I do wish you the best in managing the hate you have for me. Once you do you will see that I an a serious income earner and I do like to share my earning abilities. It is not difficult to earn lots of money online. That is, if you have an open mind to learning new ways of doing business.