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RE: PepEntropy introduces Return of Capital for token holders

in LeoFinance2 months ago

Your a lying shit bellend !lolz

How many times have I reminded you the main reason I am on Hive is because of its immutability?

Bro its not hate, I don't hate anyone on this planet.

Right off the bat you lie like a cheap rug. Go back and read your own verbal diarrhea. The only sin you said you had was to hate me. Anyway, you do lie. Perhaps as much as Trump, Bibi, IDF, ...etc OK, I will read on now that you got my attention. I will send some !LUV just the same to help you with your ego and anger management issues.

Ah! look at that..

Yes praise Yahuah and Yahusha.

Is that religion talk? You really do have a problem with staying on topic.

This topic is a line entry in the White Paper you were crying about when I first joined and introduced my creation. Now who is disrespectful? One only needs to go back and read, if interested in knowing the truth. The thing is you fit all too clearly into a demographic of an online society. In fact, I believe you mentioned you didn't bother reading most of my replies. Why you resort to personal attacks. Its too funny that I am publishing content that demonstrate how to grow digital assets and all you can focus on is personal attacks. Childish actually but as I said, its demographics. Invest more time in learning and less time being a bully. I have given you several olive branches but here you are again. I was starting to get concerned about your well being. Glad to see you are still alive.

..I will read some more.

And I already see your game plan

My God your a wise man. NOT! Nelson, I am publishing almost everyday on Hive and demonstrating exactly what a respectful person would do to build a reputation and a business brand in an online community.

You are here to create negative energy toward me so it can have a negative impact on my bottom line. All because of hate. You are so full of hate you called me anti-white. lol I'm still not sure what you mean by that and it doesn't matter. It is comical and the laughter helps offset any negative energy coming from you.

I just checked the #TooFuckeh holdings and you still have 1,000 so just place an order to sell it. You must have gotten them from completing a task. Your such a dick weed. Now your complaining because you earned some tokens for commenting on a blog. Which you didn't have to do in the first place. I am going to share a video I watched earlier this morning. It will be a blog on the value of learning before earning. It is fitting of trying to have a discussion with someone that is ill informed about the topic and gets upset.

with these worthless coins/token you have.

I see this as a great example of being ill informed and an opportunity to introduce a new tag for #PEPT

Project ePayTraffic philosophy is to Learn Before You Earn. Work smarter and not just harder. #LearnB4UEarn or #LB4UE I have to give you some #PEPE credit. Feels Good Man.

If my tokens, and they are tokens and not coins, were worthless you would not be here. You are here to get some attention. So, I will give you some. I gave you tokens and you are still holding them so there must be some value to you. And you say I have shit for brain. Whatever. I say watch and learn. In 5-7 years, God willing, you will see #PEPT including #TooFuckeh problem solving token generating millions of dollars for not just #FJWI. It will not be a pump and dump strategy if that is what you are trying to say. Your not an easy person to follow. LOL Pun intended. #FUN

I was thinking Nelson, maybe your here as a messiah, similar to what some believe of Trump. Your here to protect the world from my money making plan that I publish to the world to see.

I do wish you the best and I hope your feeling are not hurt. Nah, who cares. It's your feeling so best I can do is suggest you manage them wisely. Try being more logical and not overly emotional.

BTW, Its not just me that you disrespect. The imutable data is there to see. so you do have a propensity to lie with aggression if someone point out the error of your ways. To me, your just another problem solving opportunity so why shouldn't I benefit from a #TooFuckeh use case.


cptsilva, fjworld sent you LUV. 🙂 (2/10) tools | trade | connect | wiki | daily

Made with LUV by crrdlx.

I'm sending fjworld a woman dik so he can suck on it. !LUV

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Why don't eggs tell jokes?
They'd crack each other up.

Credit: gillianpearce
@cptsilva, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of fjworld

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So that how I earned your shit coins? I comment on something you wrote? No problem I will try my best to give them away for free because they are shit coins just like the guy who brought them.

I don't lie, I was wrong what I said. I know I told you I hated you before. And I thought about it from the last time I wrote it for you. And I thought about and said to myself, I don't hate the loser jack, I just have zero respect for the piece of shit. I love humanity, just have respect for some and none for others. You happen to be the loser I have no respect for.

The reason I have no respect for you is because:

  1. you're a loser
  2. you're a piece of shit,
  3. you had 2 people talk to you about those white papers. you respectfully declined with no answer to one person, and you tried to run me over when I asked about it. This is why I say fuck you and suck my portuguese canadian sausage.

You could of been respectful to both of us when we asked about WP or you could of run us both over. But you ran me over for asking. Fuck you, POS.

You can send me all the shit coins you want. I will giving them away for free to whomever wants them.

So far I believe I have 1K of this POS coin. Anybody wants it FREE just leave me a message where t send it. Jus do me a favour with them, shove them up jack ass.

Unfortunately for you, this blog is not distributing any tokens.

However, you can visit and comment on my latest blog I made a few minutes ago if you want a reward. Ah, wait, not for you since you do not hold any #PEPTide Ah well, too bad. !LOLZ

OMG Your still crying about the need of a White Paper. I am demonstrating to the world how I make money online and I provide an opportunity for others to collaborate on some wealth building activities. Does this make me a loser or a winner?

you had 2 people talk to you about those white papers. you respectfully declined with no answer to one person, and you tried to run me over when I asked about it.

Your doing it again. Your emotions are getting the best of you. Go back and read the blogs. I am trying to help you and your responding like a Trump disciple. Unable to see the errors in your ways.

Have a good day Nelson and I hope you get well soon. !LUV

cptsilva, fjworld sent you LUV. 🙂 (1/10) tools | trade | connect | wiki | daily

Made with LUV by crrdlx.

What's the difference between a well-dressed man and a tired dog?
The man wears an entire suit, the dog just pants.

Credit: reddit
@cptsilva, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of fjworld


Hey simp boy, thanks for your well wishes I always accept well wishes. Funny how you think there is something wrong with me because I have zero respect for you a loser online making people hold the empty bag if your coin(s). Its not crying about the white papers, even if you had the white papers I do not think i'd follow your garbage. I noticed your garbage since epay and that $50 investment to only earn me $5 in so many months. I just brought up the WP due to your ignorance of how you treat ppl. If you believe this person will help you, your ready to suck the fart out of his ass, but guys like me who see what your value is, and trust me you have no value since I got to know you, I personally think your full of shit. How long have we known each other online? 5+ years +/-? I know your shit and your full of it.

I dont care of this thread pay or not. I really don't want your shit coins, and i noticed the 1000 I have nobody wants them even for free. I've already asked about 5 people if they want them for free, I got denied. So what I am thinking of doing with your shit coins is one day I will find another loser like you on here, and I will send them all to him/her. Shit goes with shit. I haven't found this person yet, but i got my eye on one right now. Plz do me a favour and on any of your garbage threads here that I may comment on, do me a favour and send it to someone else who believes in your garbage shitcoins.

Anyone reading this. I have 1000 of this loser coins. TFE coins. you want them, let me know where to send them. I'd sell them back to this loser for hive, but its worthless to sell these coins into hive. ANybody wants them? I got them, and I will give them away for free. I dont want shit coins.
