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RE: CUB UI for a little more DeFi

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Lol to the intro.

"Signed" to point 1-4. Although it feels like the longest week in my life, because I barely slept and stared so much at numbers ticking up - it was barely a week. Not sure how much Khal and his dev minions were able to achieve in that short time (I hope "a lot" but I think "not much"). Especially considering that there is ProjectBlank and the lending platform coming up, plus the audits, plus the layered farming. Plus, Goose Finance needs to be watched carefully to make things better and learn from their mistakes.

On the other hand, throw a couple Ks at more devs and things get done quickly again. It is just a matter of how many devs and projects and updates can a single person handle all at once.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta