
Inter Milan did not really face a tough opponent on their way to the final. They ad it very easy, and they were bound to be in the final, however, this was as far as their luck could take them. They would surely be beaten

This is the same thing I said. They somehow got matched with easy teams and found themselves in the final through that easy route. The way I am seeing it, this Manchester team might put up to 4 goals tomorrow. #blacklions

Mancity had a tough draw as they beat the raining champions, defeated Bayern and even embarrassed them. They are the worthy champion unless Pep is truly cursed


I told a friend that the final was already played as a semi-final in that City vs Madrid match. Everyone saw how city came out on top. If they dont win it tomorrow, it will be a long time before they win it. #blacklions

they may never even really in it again if the loose this opportunity.. Thats the easiest team they will ever get for a final of an UCL

Thats my point. Milan is the weakest team to reach the final in years. Thats why I strongly gave it to city immediately they beat Madrid. It would be a great season for the winning the treble.

We can't really say that ,but I will say they won't find it easier when they play against Manchester city anyway tomorrow, but let just see what happens at the end, I will say the fire team to score wins.

Which team do you think will score first tomorrow? And can you attempt the final scoreline tomorrow. In essence, Am trying to make you predict the winners. #blacklions

Honestly am definitely not going to answer that with clear mind, cause I honestly want Inter millan to win that match mate, so will definitely be giving it to Inter to score first and àlso win

Thats great. And that makes you a proper football fan. Now try to give me a specific scoreline. Anything that comes to your mind. You can get it #blacklions

Inter millan 2 vs Manchester city 1

Inter millan to win

Waooh. What a bold prediction. That would be a big suprise too, but thats what makes football very interesting. It should not be predicable. Isn't it? Do you have any players to watch? For me, its Grealish, Haaland and KDB. #blacklions