
Agree with you. Some people still find sex as taboo where it should be taught in home or school.

Its unfortunate. Eventually, the kids get to learn the wrong things about sex from peers. Little wonder that sex abuse happens everyday. There is little orientation for these young ones.

people should take it seriously

They should.

My parents did not and I didn't either with my kids.

Same with me. But if I have kids in the future, I will be sure to correct that. Its especially important with the level of sex abuse underage kids face this time around. They need to learn what is right and wrong about handling sex organs, it prepares them to face a predator

I agree, we are living in rough times. I tried my best with my kids and as they are grown up now I guess I did a good job.

I wish them all the best. The world is a scary place for kids

they're scared and probably never taught about it

The perfect reasons for 99% of parents you'll ask. One already confirmed in a response here that he was never taught as a kid, and in turn, he didnt teach his own kids too.