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RE: Introduction to dCity SIM

in LeoFinance3 years ago

But I don't agree with the premise that SIM below its soft peg is a bad thing.

These low SIM prices are great for anyone new starting out in the game.

You can buy a ton of cards on the cheap and grow your city faster than those early adopters could.

Either way, I think that equilibrium will be found again eventually and SIM will return to its soft peg.

There will be new players joining as P2E gaming grows and the SWAP.HIVE:SIM Diesel Pool is just another sink for those who currently hold the SIM token.

Personally, I'm excited for both the future of the game and dCity SIM token.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


If you say so.. Let's see.. I actually love dcity..

I have a few cities and bought some from people.

Anything that happens to dcity, I gain..

Thanks for the guide