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RE: 📈 Daily TA: Cardano (ADA/USD) | 06-10-2021

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Would you have like to have seen more strength in Cardano during this recent Bitcoin pump?

The lack of momentum may be a sign that the technical breakout you've shown here is nothing more than a fakeout?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


To be honest, from a fundamental point, I am not bullish on Cardano. With its current fundamentals I don't think Cardno deserves to be the Top-3 cryptocurrency by market cap. So, I am a bit skeptical...

About the TA: The breakout has not happened so far. So, there's no buy signal at the moment. Let's wait and see.

Nevertheless, you know very well that in the financial markets many miracles/strange things happen. For example a cryptocurrency with weak fundamentals or even with no fundamentals like Shiba Inu may bring many surprises. That's why Cardano could be one of them as well.

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