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RE: Constant Distraction!

in LeoFinance6 months ago

I quit coffee this year.

Going cold turkey absolutely SUCKED for me (for like 3 weeks) I was just so lethargic and bleh, so that definitely sounds like you.

For me, why I drank coffee wasn't so much the taste, and definitely not the caffeine, itself.

Really it is just an excuse to take a break.

So I've changed to making 2 cappuccinos a day with decaf beans.

I don't get the same jittery feeling I would get at certain times with normal coffee and if I get sick or just can't have a morning coffee for whatever reason, I don't get the withdrawals.

Worth a try if you do want to change.


Yeah I've been tinkering with decaf for various reasons.
It still has 10%-20% the caffeine.

It has some caffeine, but for me at least it seems to be low enough to not give me jitters on an empty stomach and have no effect if I skip a day.

Which is all that really matters.

Good to hear :)