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RE: Ask Leo: Don't become a Leo thief

in LeoFinance2 years ago

You can scream at people to not sell their rewards all you want... but nothing is going to stop them.

All that matters now is that the team fixes the supply/demand imbalance in LEO.

The easiest way being to use ad revenue generated on to buy/burn LEO off the market.

At least show a path to sustainability.

Until that happens, we're going to all but zero because the imbalance is just too high.

Want something to change?

Ask the team what they're doing with the ad revenue.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


The irony of this post though is that this account has not only been recycling posts but stealing content from other Hivers like @adamada. Yet it's still getting regular @leo.voter upvotes, even though it's been reported multiple times. Maybe ask the team what they're doing about abuse as well.

Not sure why you're telling me this?

I'm a nobody.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta