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RE: What problems do cryptocurrency solve?

in LeoFinance2 years ago

As someone who has worked with Kenyan freelancers and experienced the nightmare of trying to send money to Kenya, I can't help but laugh at this politician.

I mean he has a vested interest and of course he's going to say that crypto serves no purpose.

But I'm sure your average Kenyan on the street sees right through this garbage.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


It is either he is too naive for a central bank governor or knows the truth and chooses to deceive his people.

It is high time we have people that are clued up, and evolving with time instead of having politicians stuck in the past lead us.

But I'm sure your average Kenyan on the street sees right through this garbage.

I hope the number of those that know the truth increase.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta