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RE: Daily Crypto Markets Live Blog: What can you share about different blockchains? (09/19/21)

in LeoFinance3 years ago
Terra (LUNA)

Terra (LUNA) is worth looking into if you haven't yet.

We all know how important stablecoins are going to be when it comes to both crypto on/off ramps and general stability during bear markets.

Even more important will be algorithmic stablecoins that the US government can't touch.

Do some research into Terra's suite of stablecoins such as UST and how they use the LUNA token to maintain their peg.

You won't be disappointed.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


That was one of the most interesting projects we covered in the guides. I still didn't get in it but I'm most likely going to do that soon

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Terra (LUNA) could be a viable alternative to Visa and MasterCard. It's big in Asia where there are 45+ mobile payment systems, and Terra could one day replace them.

(While it can replace the credit card functionality of American Experess, it cannot replace the other features present in an American Express Card membership.)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Speaking of Terra (LUNA), here's another look at UST that popped up on LeoFinance overnight.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta