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RE: Hive Punks Update

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I think, you're beating yourself up too much. A couple of hiccups on the first day of potentially one of the best projects yet is no biggie in my book.
In any case, I just woke up (it is 8 a.m. in Germany) an hour ago and my two punks were there.

Thank you for explaining in details, so we all understand the intricacies behind Hive-Punks. It is interesting to see, how things work on the backend side. Never even thought of it, to be honest.

Have a nice weekend.


completely agree with this. You've launched an amazing and ambitious project that is really exciting for the hive nft ecosystem. Before the crashes, the live updating rarities was working beautifully and it was such a thrill to see my punks continually changing order, and to watch the details updating. Im happy that the actual minting hasnt been a problem and that it is just the image loading that is causing the trouble, this gives me confidence that the project will overall be a success. Congratulations and thankyou for all your hard work. p.s. I have some generative nft ideas that I would love to talk to you about, especially in regard to initial rarities and live updating rarity, so let me know if you're up for having a chat sometime. x basil