When the markets bleed, focus on the numbers!

in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)


The last couple of days the crypto markets were colouring dark red again. Almost all of the tokens made a free fall and lost tens of percentages in a short timeframe. Some people see it as the beginning of a bear market and panic sell, others see it as a healthy correction and see it as an opportunity to buy some more.

I stopped trading a long time ago because I simply wasn't good at it. I do remember these red day and I hated them. Stop losses being hit and losing money. Buying in for a cheaper price when there were a few consecutive green candles, but stop losses hitting again overnight causing me to loose even more money.


Since I registered my account on Hive a couple of months ago things changed. I started collecting Hive tokens by blogging. Slowly, but steady I was gathering Hive tokens which represented a certain value. While exploring Hive I discovered more tribes and tokens. I didn't actively collected them except for Leo. This because the Leofinance community triggered my interest in cryptocurrencies again. I even invested the 200 dollars that were left on an exchange of my earlier trading experiences in Leo tokens to start with.
In the beginning the price of Hive and Leo was onder 0.20 USD, but the last few months they both went up nicely.


But this month the value of both tokens dropped quite a bit. Hive went from .80 to .55 and Leo was even around 1.1 and has lost almost 50% and is around 0.6 at the moment.
But there is no need for me to panic because:

  1. The most I have invested in Hive/Leo is time
  2. I keep holding on to the tokens and am confident that the price will increase again
  3. I keep increasing the number of tokens

By writing blogs, curating and playing games I steadily increase the number of tokens.


Compared to the earlier chart this one goes up and up. In 8 months I managed to double the amount of Leo. So the doubling of the amount of tokens in the past months makes the decrease in token value doesn't hurt me that much.


Another project that I've recently started is CubDefi. This project was my first experience with DeFi. I received some CUB for my staked Leo and started gathering more CUB by placing them in a Den.


And the same story with this token. I've seen a price decrease from $3,7 to $2,9 in a few days. The total value of my CUB decreases, but the number of CUB keeps increasing.

So my advise is to keep focussing on increasing your number of tokens in these red days!

👍 Upvotes are appreciated 👍
Follow me on Hive: https://peakd.com/@friendlymoose
Follow me on Noise.Cash: https://noise.cash/u/FriendlyMoose

NFT's of my photos are on wax.atomichub.io

image.png friendlymoose#5717


I'm crypto and security enthousiast with a passion for photography that likes to play games.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Hive has had quite a steep correction. I'd say steeper than LEO and unfortunately LEO is no longer tied to the price of ETH as it was when the only liquidity pool we had was WLEO. If the case was still valued then we should have had a higher LEO price. ETH hasn't fallen too much from its latest ATH. I see this correction as natural after all the run up. The uptrend will resume for sure.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I also think the uptrend will continue. There is so much development going on...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I am also not too much concerned about price as I know that this will go up again. I too have not invested any hard money and all the coins and power is earned is via author and curation rewards. So no worries and just chill

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Just continue doing what we're doing now to grow our stakes.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's exactly my plan.
Stake as much as i can. 2nd thing i keep in mind is i do not invest any hard money here, why do i need to when there are other means to earn crypto, invest some time to create quality content or curate quality posts to earn reward.
It's way better to spend time on hive than facebook etc. as o know that i am investing my time some where and not wastign it.
!LUV 1

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Hi @friendlymoose, you were just shared some LUV thanks to @harpreetjanda. Having at least 5 LUV in your wallet enables you to give up to 3 LUV per day, for free. See the LUV tokens in your wallet at https://hive-engine.com or learn about LUV at https://peakd.com/@luvshares https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmUptF5k64xBvsQ9B6MjZo1dc2JwvXTWjWJAnyMCtWZxqM

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