Kim Dotcom Just Recommended GOLD & SILVER Against An Imminent Crash

in LeoFinance2 years ago (edited)

Like him or not, he is well informed and he usually refrains from BS when it's important.

It's astonishing that he recommends gold and silver as protection, but not Bitcoin. Apparently, he thinks that there won't be electricity/internet for a prolonged period.

He also gives a concrete reason. Saudi Arabia's government just published a statement implicating Joe Biden in an attempt of corruption.

Here is the passage in question: Joe Biden tried to lobby a one month delay for the reduction in oil production. It would coincide with the upcoming US mid-term elections.


Commentators say that this attempt was motivated to swing the election in favor of the Democrat Party. The outlook for an impeachment is on the table, but also an escalation of the Ukraine War, or both.

What do you think of this?