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RE: More on Swarm Intelligence: The TikTok Effect & "Trusting Science"

in LeoFinance3 years ago

It's weird how the phrase "trust science" has been politicized by the left. Why would anyone need to trust science? Isn't the point of science is that anyone can replicate the experiments and everything should be peer reviewed and validated in a decentralized manner across the globe?

Democrats think Republicans are simply idiots (dare I say COVidiots) for not trusting science, but it goes so much deeper than that. Republicans know they're being lied to, and some of them just make up crazy shit as the answer. Democrats think because Republicans are wrong that means they are right. Dems think these issues are binary

I thought it was weird too, until I found out that the CCP invented the label of "anti-Science" to try to smear the Falun Gong. They are doing the exact same thing here.