D.Buzz is real and alive on HIVE Blockchain

in LeoFinance3 years ago

you might find it strange! you might find it weird! you might be completely excited as i am!
one thing for sure you won't feel indifferent about the following news
everybody at least most of you know about noise.cash
we have been advertising about it , so many of us for at least 2 months now
but today i got this tag , from my good friend, fellow-Noiser @drunksamurai saying something about d.buzz
what is this d.buzz?
i followed his post trying to find out more information about this new thing on my screen and i found out paradise


a microblogging platform built on hive blockchain just like noise.cash
the funny thing is that when i searched i bit more on this project i discovered that it is 10 months old already!

i had no clue about it , i'm a member on hive blockchain since the beginning of this platform and i had no clue about the existence of dbuzz microblogging platform

i'm super excited about this, i'm uploading this post so you can be aware of this ( as many as possible of you) , i know you are gonna spread the news so please do and lets grow our power
microblogging is a great opportunity to instantly interact ,share content and have fun
this is my link , come on board guys!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Yea DBuzz is good but I know there are some people who don't like it much. I like to use when there isn't much to talk about or when I don't want to write up a few hundred words.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

you should share this information bro...i see now that many people knew about dbuzz but didn't share that much so the community knows about it

Because .. if you had been reading my posts, you would have known about d.buzz a looong time ago :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

plaka kaneis twra e

Posted via D.Buzz

For example my 1st post in this challenge.It is important to use the #dbuzz30 tag and post via d.buzz


leofinance is my first love bro leofinance is my wife.....dbuzz can be my lover though

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'm just learning about any of this. Thanks to @funnel for spreading the word out on noise cash.
Now i have successfully signed up on Leofinance & also the micro blogging d.buzz.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

you have successfully signed up on leofinance so get your first LEO with my upvote....welcome to leofinance

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks 🙏🏽
Still trying to understand it, maybe with time.

Posted via D.Buzz

Thanks alot, for assisting.
Hive blockchain is quite different, but I'll get it soon enough