Share Your Battle - Deeplurker

in LeoFinance2 years ago


I have been waiting for this one for quite a while now! This week’s “Share Your Battle” contest is all about one of my favorite cards in the game. We are talking about the Deeplurker. Honestly, this fish is one of the ugliest things I have ever seen and I think that if I would encounter something like this in the real world I would be terrified to my bones. Good thing that this thing is not real, or is it as we did not discover a big portion of the ocean livings yet. Anyway, back to the article: In my contribution to this week’s competition I will talk about one of the strongest cards of Chaos Legion, how I like to use it and what strategy I am trying to follow. At the end there will be a few example battles.


Like I mentioned in the intro: This card is probably one of the strongest one in Chaos Legion. No wonder almost everybody I encounter is playing this card when they are choosing to run a water team. Lets start with the upsides of this card first as there are so many. Firstly, its attack: On level 1 it has already 3 melee damage which not many monsters have at this point and if they do they are costing above 8 mana. Not this little ugly guy, his cost is only 6 mana making him a very valuable choice in every kind of battle. You would expect that this card has to pay a high price for this advantage, something like a low health. But no! This card also has 6 health which is amazing for a card at this state. The only downside might be the speed which is only at 2 but this easily buffed with the new water summoner which we will take a look a little bit later. With all of these advantages, I have to mention the biggest one at the end: its ability! With the opportunity ability this card is playable in any position and is predetermined to destroy any backline of any opponent! At level six it even gets the poison ability which is almost a deathblow to any backline in this game. What’s more is that his card is a common card which makes it available to anyone which is probably one of the reasons why so many people are using this card.


Team & Strategy

With the introduction of this card, we also have to talk about how to use it and which monster can help this card to perform at its peak. I would start off with the promised summoner. In this case the choice is very obvious: Kelya Frendul. Because it buffs the speed and gives an extra armor to every monster on your side this summoner is one of the best ones in the game. It benefits the Deeplurker immensely as it not only increases its speed to 3 but also gives it a free shot of getting hit with the armor. This combination is probably one of the most favorites amongst any Splinterlands players.


With that being said, lets take a look at the rest of the team. First up, we always have to think of a tank that can protect our Deeplurker from being in the first position so it can utilize its Opportunity ability. My personal choice is always Serpent of Eld. This card is one of the most broken cards in the game as well. With its base 4 speed and Dodge ability it is a nightmare to hit with melee and Ranged attacks. Additionally, to that it has a suitable 3 melee damage and 5 health which are complemented by 2 armor. Another possibility would be the Demonshark which is also a very valid choice, but it is one mana more and is not as effective as the Serpent of Eld in my opinion.


To make these tanks endure as long as possible, I always like to play two supporting cards that are optional to play. It depends on the battle requirements but it is almost everytime worth it to waste two slots on these two. I am talking about the Merdaali Guardian and the Scavo Hireling. On level one they target either the health or the armor of your tank which makes it endure longer. This is especially very annoying to your opponent if he does not hit your Serpent of Eld every time making it survive longer and longer.


Last but not least I have a few favorites that I like to play whenever I have the chance. These cards are very powerful by themselves and not really complement the Deeplurker but in my opinion they should be available in every Water deck. I am talking about the Venari Wavesmith as well as Djinn Oshannus. Both cards are magic cards which makes them already very powerful but with the additional armor that is being provided by the Wavesmith as well as the 10 health and 5 speed of Oshannuns this combination makes it very hard to get to the Deeplurker to prevent him from destroying the opponents back line. And lets not forget this is almost every time the goal of each battle.



With the team out of the way, lets get into some action. The first battle is very straight forward as the combat requirements only allowed to use Melee attackers. That is the reason why I chose the biggest and most heavy hitting cards that I have accessible. Obviously, Deeplurker had to be in there as it provides an extra attack each turn. We were successful because the Deeplurker was able to destroy his backline quicker and because my tank was able to dodge a big amount of attacks.


The second battle was more difficult to put together as there were more variable battle restrictions. That being said, the strategy remained the same, destroy the backline and take as less damage as possible. In this case the strategy with supporting the tank and dodging attacks worked out as planned.


I hope I was able to give you some insights and maybe new motivation to try out some new strategies. But I am also very curious about your strategies! Let me know how you are approaching water battles!

Published by ga38jem on
On 17th February 2022

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


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Good stuff, you got a follow! Please follow back :)

That’s a brilliant strategy

Nice one! Trying to make one of mine and this article is a great help, plus, thanks for the strategy.

Thank you very much! Glad I was able to help :)

Thanks for sharing! - @ashikstd