Splinterlands - Card Showcase - Quora Towershead

in LeoFinance10 months ago


Hello and welcome to back to another amazing card showcase of Splinterlands. In this episode we will be looking at one of the best cards in the game. I don’t think that I am overhyping this card in any sense and the reasons will be soon explained. In this post I am planning to discuss this card, talk about the advantages and disadvantages of this card as well as showcase some battles that just show how broken this card really is. With that being said, let’s jump straight into it!

Amazing Quora Towershead!

Many of you would have already guest it by the thumbnail: I will be talking about Quora! This card is unfortunately only available through the Gladius packs but trust me, if you have received this card prepare to have a lot of fun with it! This unit is just amazing, not only does she bring a dual attacking style but she comes also with a lot of other perks which we will be discussing now.

First things first, this card comes with two attacking styles: Magic and Melee. This means that if this card is in the first position, she will attack twice. On top of that she comes with the perk of attacking twice if there are certain rulesets activated. Something that can allow her to attack from any position on the field makes her absolutely a monster. Not only that but with the correct summoner you can even boost her magic attacking which makes her even more like a threat!

These are fortunately enough not her only advantages! She also comes with 11 health and 3 speed which makes her a very great tank if needs be. Additionally, she also ahs the self heal ability which allows her to heal up to 3 HP each turn! There comes the big Health Bar handy. With higher levels she becomes even stronger and also gets some additional Abilities! Not only is she getting Dispel but also the Immunity Ability which will allow her to be immune against any kind of poisoning.

Last but not least, her most important Ability is the Bloodlust ability. Now this is an ability which is slowly coming into the “regular” Splinterlands battles and was only available in Brawls for the longest time. Since a few months this ability is now available in regular battles and with special summoners, these Gladius cards can be used in the regular battles as well. But why is this Ability so powerful? Well, the most important fact is that it boosts all the stats of the card if it manages to defeat an opponent’s unit! With that being said, this card gets an especially juicy boost, because she has two attacking styles meaning that she gets her attack boosted twice! This ability is the main contributor to why she will carry us from win to win!


Now, we need to mention some negatives about this card. Yes she is costing us 10 mana to play, but in comparison with other 10 cost mana cards, she is absolutely worth it! What is kind of annoying though is the fact that we need to play her with a certain summoner if we want to use her outside of brawls. This summoner is costing us 6 mana as well, meaning that the total cost of playing this card goes up to 16. Now with a summoner who is not really fitting her style it is now another thought process. One last negative thing is that she might not be the most effective if she can not attack with her Melee attacking style from any position. This still makes her an amazing card but just less effective.

Example Battles

Now that we covered Quora in more detail, let’s take a look at some example battles! I guarantee you that she will not disappoint. You will quickly recognize that both battles turned around as soon as Quora started to get her kills in! As soon as she tasted that sweet taste of Bloodlust her stats are started to go insane. The best part is that once you get these boosts going, it is a Snow-Ball effect. The K.O.s are getting quicker and her stats are getting larger. With that being said, take a look at both battles and judge for yourself!





Published by ga38jem on
On 22th July 2023


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