Do you have any regrets this bull run?

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Bull run is not over yet, and if that's not an extraordinary display (and proof) of abundance, I don't know what else can be.

When we have part of abundance, we are happy, excited even, right? So, why would we feel any regrets?

Well, because that's how we humans are. When we have enough, we want more. It's called greed. Or maybe we have a plan, and a better outcome would have put us much closer to achieving it.

Anyway, looking back, we can usually tell if we made the right decisions or if there were better choices which we dismissed at the time.


Of course, there are such decisions I took over the course of this bull run as well, which in hindsight maybe would have produce better outcomes.

Why do I say "maybe"? Don't I know already? Well, yes and no.

When you make a choice about investments you trade something ("A") for something else ("B"). Maybe B performed much better than A, but at the same time A also opened other opportunities which translate in different types of returns.

Or maybe you were simply wrong. It happens. As long as my reasoning stands in retrospect and with the information I had at the time, I can live with that and feel no regret about it.

So, overall, no, I have no regrets during this bull run. I performed incomparably better than the little of the previous bull run I caught, with few and minor mistakes and fully feeling the benefits of abundance this time around.

That includes RUNE, even if it performed so well and it probably will continue to do so. I still believe my reasoning at the time was sound and it made sense in my case.

How about you? Any regrets during this bull run?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


My only real regret is not about this bull run; it's about the bear cycle before it. I caught the tail end of the previous bull run and pretty much 10x'ed my account, only to watch it basically fall back to where I started. I didn't sell anything so I didn't "lose", but I regret that I left the space completely. I basically just covered my eyes and "hoped" it would come back someday. What I SHOULD have doing was making small buy orders along the way. I've always believed Bitcoin is going to go big someday and if I would have just been accumulating little $50-$100 amounts for the last three years I'd be light years ahead of where I am now. I'm still having some major success with this bull run but....that's my only regret. I won't make that mistake again. Next time the market turns negative, I will start buying on the way down and all the way back up again.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Ah yes, I made this mistake as well, although not down from x10, but still all the way down in the bear market. Painful lessons, but hopefully learned.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'm doing fine, but yes I have regrets. I regret not sticking to the plan and my picks from the bear market time. I also regret leaning my ear to crypto gurus saying that no shitcoin is going to perform this market.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Sticking to your plan is often difficult but it pays off. And opportunities, whether real or merely smoke, will often make us deviate from the plan. Some opportunities, however, are worth bending the plan for to include them. CubFinance is an example in my case.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

My only real regret was not continuing to accumulate in the last bear market. This bull run has been great, but it could have been a lot better if I would have stuck with buying little pieces for the 3 years prior. Live and learn.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Lol. I wrote the first one and hit reply and it said it timed out. I was too lazy to recreate the whole thing so I wrote the 2nd one. Apparently they both made it through... :-)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Haha, yep, it happened to me. I once replied 3 times, but luckily I had the text copied and didn't have to rewrite it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta