Land Surfing? Mistery Addition to Land 1.5 in Splinterlands.

in LeoFinancelast year

I just finished listening to this week's Splinterlands town hall, and they made a presentation of what are their main targets during the next development period that extends until the beginning of August, which they call the "Age of the Phoenix". Practically, it still includes what's left of June and July, so almost two months.

There is a graphic roadmap they shared too, as usual. Here it is:

One change they made, unrelated to the roadmap is that from now on, town halls will be every two weeks instead of weekly, to match their two-week sprint cycles. During the weeks when there's no company town hall, they might facilitate open mic town halls for the community to participate in, but I don't think that's been decided yet.

Regarding the Age of the Phoenix, they have planned the following:

  • Land 1.5 (Asset Staking, Plot Clearing, Resource Production, Market & Bridging, Land Surfing)
  • Ranked Battles (SPS Requirement, Tournament Requirement Overhaul)
  • SoulKeep Game Release
  • Promo Cards (Quarterly Promo Card and New Mini Set with a Partner)
  • Gameplay (Blocking Bots from Modern)

Since my Splinterlands focus for this year is land-related, I'll take a look at that part of the roadmap.

First thing to remark is no date was being given for releasing Land 1.5. Next town hall will be two weeks from now, so, it is still possible to squeeze it in June, but my feeling is there are little chances for that to happen without a pre-warmup (probably some testing by the community too), since this is a big release. So, maybe Land 1.5 will come later than planned in the previous roadmaps.

One reason for this might be Land Surfing, which is something that will be included in Land 1.5, although it isn't in the whitepaper and nobody (apart from those involved) seems to know what this is. And they don't want to share what it is.

That's a change in strategy. Instead of letting people know well in advance what they should expect, keep it as a surprise to be divulged at what they consider is the right time.

Well, this change in strategy might work on occasion. With one condition: that the surprise isn't disappointing. ;)

I, for one, can't imagine what it'll be from the name itself. All other elements shared as part of the Land 1.5 phase have an economic impact or component, which makes it even harder to guess what Land Surfing would be.

Anyway, without knowing what it is, you can't prepare for it. This should be interesting.

Something that doesn't appear to make it for this age is renting support for land. This was talked about as a possibility, but nobody promised it, as far as I know.

What do you think about Land Surfing? Want to guess what it will be?

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


No idea about land surfing, my main focus is the release of SoulKeep and will see how to play Land once it has some usecases. I am eagerly awaiting news of the SPS requirements for ranked battles too. I saw

town halls will be every two weeks

This makes sense imo. Once per week seems a brutal schedule and I cant imagine they would have so much to update in such a short time so often.

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Yep, I want to see SoulKeep release too, even though I only have a couple of packs. It could be pretty fun.

Even Land 1.5 will have some use cases. More than we have right now anyway. :)

I agree, town halls every week are too often, especially now that their sprints are set for two weeks.

My guess is DEC staking by non land owners.
Check out this mention by farpetrad and Hardpoint

Thanks for the detective work! This might be it... :)

Hello @gadrian. I have no idea about the land surfing. Do they mean surfing in the sense of like surfing the TE's or something medieval? Oh I'm thinking of a Serf LOL. Definition for Serf: "Serfs were the poorest of the peasant class, and were a type of slave. Lords owned the serfs who lived on their lands. In exchange for a place to live, serfs worked the land to grow crops for themselves and their lord. In addition, serfs were expected to work the farms for the lord and pay rent.",the%20lord%20and%20pay%20rent.
Have a good rest of the day! Barb :) !BBH !CTP

No, they mentioned it's spelled "surf" not "serf". I don't think it'll be something like TE surfing, but I don't have an idea what it could be either.

OK thanks @gadrian we will soon find out. 😃 Maybe the surf will be over the hills up and down them. !BBH !CTP

Thanks for summarising. Land surfing might be like tours? I not too sure also.

I thought about it too. But then, the other features they listed as part of Land 1.5, all have some economic implications, this would be the only one with a visual component alone.

It seem to be hard for me to guess what land surfing would be..

Yep, sounds strange, especially if one thinks of water surfing.

I didn't know about it myself, found out after reading your post. The way you're saying it wasn't in their white paper, they added it so we want it to be good for users.

Yeah, they just talked about it without giving any details in this week's town hall. We will see what that is.

Hopefully this update is good for user's.

I really don't have information about it, Would love to get it from you.

We'll see if they give us anything. :)

Nice summary of "The Age of the Phoenix". Hope there'll be no delays or trouble with the roadmap. Splinterlands is always a good one so far in HIVE.


Yes, Splinterlands is a major pillar for Hive.

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The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

I don't have land so I don't really know but I guess It will be something to gamify land even more. I wonder if it will be someway to use your resources for some returns or not. Then again, land 1.5 isn't even out yet.

I wonder if it will be someway to use your resources for some returns or not.

Do you mean Grain, the resource that is produced in Land 1.5? Maybe. Its use cases so far are to sell them to those needing them on the market below the NPC price or to put them in the LP for fees. And to store it for Land 2.0.

Honestly speaking I don't have much idea about that but really interesting.

I guess we will see if it's interesting or not when they tell us more. :)

Thanks for sharing.

Thanks for sharing.

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