My Hive Goals (Week 3, 2024)

in LeoFinance5 months ago

This is a short sum-up table with the state of my goals in easier TLDR form. The table has only a general overview, with details expanded in the post.

Current State/Other Selection CriterionGoals Matching the Criterion
Ongoing5 (52-Week HBD Savings Challenge, Posting & Commenting Goal, Land Plots Unlocked, ZING Multiplier, LEO Staking)
Main Goals3 (52-Week HBD Savings Challenge, Posting & Commenting Goal, Land Plots Unlocked)
Goals2 (ZING Multiplier, LEO Staking)
Main Goals Completed0
Completed Goals0


I include a link to the initial goal-setting post for 2024, for reference, if needed.

52-Week HBD Savings Challenge

A 52-week challenge following the popular model starts slowly and becomes increasingly more difficult with every passing week. The challenge is not at the beginning but at the end. That's why, we can use the easy start to prepare for the tougher weeks ahead.

In my case, I started with 1 HBD in week 1. This is also the step with which the amount that needs to be saved increases every week. The rule is, in my case: I need to add to savings the amount of HBD per week equal to the week number in the challenge. That means, in week 52 I'll need to save 52 HBD.

Already week 4 of the 52-week HBD challenge. That means I added 4 HBD to the savings for this particular goal, and reached 10 HBD, without counting the accrued interest.

Here's how things look right now:

Another week when I managed to keep this challenge going using only 1/3 of my HBD author rewards and using the rest to buy HIVE. With the purchased HIVE, some I keep in liquid form and I also use for HPUD and PUM, another I invest in diesel pools having the goal of taking back the investment + profit at a certain time (in HIVE), and another part I keep for other investments in the Hive ecosystem, like gaming, again, with a deadline before I expect back the investment + profit in HIVE.

Posting & Commenting Goal

My ability to focus on my posts is back after some rough days, and I am glad I wasn't forced to take days off. You never know, I might need them later this year without endangering my goal, so I prefer keeping the streak going if I can.

Here's the situation so far:

I haven't missed a daily post this year yet. Reached 1676 posts published, with 329 left to hit the target in 2024. That puts the progress at 6% where 5.77% was needed to be in the green.

I haven't missed any edition of Week through Adrian's Lenses either in 2024 since it's also part of this goal. Overall, I reached #54 on that weekly roundup started at the beginning of 2023.

I started the week with 17,248 comments made. Ended the week with 17319, which means I made 71 comments last week, below the weekly average I need to reach the comments target by the end of the year. Hmm, I need to be careful with this one, I already started to fall behind.

I currently need an average of 96 comments weekly to reach the comments target by the end of the year.

Land Plots Unlocked

Massive progress in unlocking land plots this week, but mostly by reorganizing some of the cards used to free up some staked DEC.

Started the week with 31 plots unlocked and productive and 4 under construction. I currently have 32 productive plots and 8 under construction, 4 more than last week. My initial plan was to unlock 2 plots per week, but I only considered that pace based on the amount of new DEC staked every week. By reorganizing cards and freeing up more staked DEC, I think I can still unlock more plots sooner, which will speed up the process, and I can only be happy about this perspective.

For the accounting part of this goal, I'll add plots under construction as unlocked, to better see changes from week to week, even though, technically, they are not productive until the clearing part is finished and you feed the workers.

Here's the current situation:

And a more detailed view:

Productive Plots: 32
Under Construction: 8

A few worksites should be completed this week, which will increase the number of productive plots.

ZING Multiplier

I started the week with 14,343 ZING (or ZING-worth tokens - I calculate the SWAP.HIVE part of the diesel pool here).

My ZING holdings are now at 15,132, with progress slowing down compared to the first week, for example (about half). The dropping price of HIVE contributes to this slowdown. It would be interesting to see a reversal here, but probably we won't have it very soon.

Anyway, since last week I focused exclusively on staked ZING since my goal is related to the number of ZING (likely for gaming purposes, if the game will be close to what Acidyo describes), not about its dollar value or the APRs of the various options. I have another account (not counted here) where I am more interested in the APR and ROI than the number of ZING tokens, for example, so I guess I am covered either way.

Here's the current situation:

LEO Staked

Normally, I didn't intend to have any LEO staked this week. But LeoAds messed up my plans, lol.

With a new influx of staked LEO every month from LeoAds, plus the LPUD, I'll have to decide if maybe I'll increase this goal a little bit, to not complete it too early, so I'll probably make some adjustments here, but not until later in the year. I won't give up on building up some liquidity with my LEO either, which means the goal increase will not be significant.

Right now, here's the current situation:

Roughly 84 more LP added from LeoAds a few days ago brought the total to 22,884.

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It's a good way to pick what interests you.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Nice progress on your goals. I guess the Leo ads was a pleasant surprise. For Zing, I think the lower progress might also have something to do with more people joining and staking their HP. Just this January, I think I saw a few people put in large amounts of HP. Any idea on why Hive keeps going down?

Any idea on why Hive keeps going down?

It's the general market trend right now. Probably some are trying to find ways to protect against the falling price, which only accentuates the fall.

I see, thanks. I have been converting some of my HBD, but it keeps getting lower haha.

Yeah, at some point I was thinking of doing the reverse, swapping some HIVE to HBD, to protect against the dropping price. But then I checked how much bitcoin has fallen, and I decided it we might be approaching a bottom, in which case, having HBD instead of HIVE wasn't the best idea. But it's difficult to really appreciate these moves accurately.

Yeah, I can understand that. Timing is always the most difficult thing when dealing with markets. If it was easy to know when to do the moves, then a lot of people will be richer.

You are doing well with your goals. Are you going to build any buffers for your HBD goal? I think having some HBD on the side just in case when the HBD additions are higher towards the end of the year is a good idea.

I have some HBD buffers, and I will build some more when the price of HIVE goes back up and I won't buy as much HIVE.

Wow I am really blown away by your hive goals. Hoping I can get to your level one day

Thanks! Don't hope, just keep doing what needs to be done, and you will grow. Will you get to my level? If you are still around and active years from now, in some ways you might, in others, you might not. The best thing you could do for your progress is to compare with yourself because each of us has our own paths.

best of luck with your hive goals.

Thanks. :)

Nice startup for your goals! Keep it on track!

Thanks! Yep, I started a few of the goals really well.

You’re gradually pushing and I’m sure that you will push to the end
Keep it up!

Thanks. Still a long way to the end of the year.

This post has been supported by @Splinterboost with a 12% upvote! Delagate HP to Splinterboost to Earn Daily HIVE rewards for supporting the @Splinterlands community!

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Great good work

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Keep the goal going 💪