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RE: Implementing scalable burning

in LeoFinance2 months ago

Seems like a good plan to burn the CTPSB rewards from the LEN:LENM position and use the rest of the tokens to increase the position. It will take a while to build up the position though, from what I see, but it's fine for me.


I agree that it will take time to have some tangible results but I will try to allocate some funds to this liq position from different places to kickstart it.

Kickstarting it with some initial funding would probably be a great idea.


I managed to bring quite a lot of funding to it to get started and I will add more in the coming weeks.

Well done!

I haven't looked at these rankings in probably a very long time. I had no idea I was in the Top 10, although I knew I had over 3% of the pool and that probably meant I was pretty high.