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RE: Splinterlands: Midweek Report on My Season So Far

in LeoFinance2 months ago

I am still not sure how the glint reward works. I know you get X2 of what you earn while playing, but I am not sure how to calculate it.

Actually, it's easier than before. The season rewards in Glint are double the amount of Glint you earn during the regular season.

It shows pretty well here:


I was not exactly at zero Glint at the beginning of the season, that's why it's not exactly 2x, but if I would have had 0 Glint at the beginning of the season, it would be exactly 2x.


I also didn't have zero glint at the beginning of the season, maybe that was why it was difficult for me to calculate. I try to empty my glint at the shop when the season ends, to begin afresh. Thanks for showing me this. Did you burn cards?

Did you burn cards?

Yes, I did, lots of them, after the season-end rewards, as I purchased more draws from the shop, hoping to max out my regular soulbounds until this set is replaced by the next one.

But the 50k is mostly what I earned from battles this season. I had almost zero when I was done shopping.