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RE: Using Hive For Its Most Basic Value

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Feedback like this is important.

I understand your dilemma. It's either storage or speed. You have to give up something. For a solution that gives access to the full blockchain without doing blockchain programming, 4TB+ per platform isn't very high. It was either disc space or RAM. And we know what's cheaper and more scalable.


That is exactly right. Fully agree I'd rather scale storage than memory. Tradeoffs abound when planning out a project and application offering.

I'm considering middle layers, almost like a cache, that reads only a subset of data. Smaller and faster for specific duties. As one example: account analysis (user growth, activity, etc), where post content is not of concern. There might be things like that out there already and I still wonder if hafah is projected to be that.

I know filtering based on a subset of operations is possible, so if you are interested in specific content, you can scale down the storage requirements significantly.

That sounds perfect! I will definitely continue diving deeper into HAF to better understand. Thank you so much for the guidance.