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RE: Capturing Value In A World Obsessed With Trends

in LeoFinance26 days ago

The issue however, is these people tend to have this belief that anything that doesn't have a fundamental value, isn't valuable.

This is both true and false. For example, Warren Buffett doesn't invest in tech companies and his investment principles are driven by fundamentals. Does it mean tech companies are not valuable? Obviously not, as we can easily see.

Now, if you were asking me to find value in meme coins, I would find fewer reasons, if any. They are a means for crypto to change hands, that's for sure. And usually from the outsiders to the insiders. And they might be a way to attract more gamblers to the crypto space. But other than that, I am too far from that phenomenon to find more use cases for them.


Yes, it mostly depends on how one looks at it. Some tech companies are even more valuable than non-tech companies with seemingly strong fundamentals.

I think memecoins could also be a gateway for users to learn more about the crypto space and get familiarize with it. But this is yet to be seen happening to a noticeable extent. Because it's kind of hard to come for one reason(instant riches) and then stay for another reason(e.g building wealth).

Thanks for stopping by :)

Because it's kind of hard to come for one reason(instant riches) and then stay for another reason(e.g building wealth).

It's interesting. This has often been said on Hive and, before the split, the legacy chain, and if it's true, it's sort of proof of the contrary, even if it doesn't necessarily reflect a change in the mentality regarding the financial aspect (although in some cases it is): "I came for the rewards but stayed for the community."

Yes, I do read about it here every now and then. I think it does happen too, finding something that's greater than just collecting rewards. It's like the scope of what's possible expands and we start aiming to be a part of that too.