Through Winter, After a Long Desert, the End is Near

in LeoFinance10 months ago

We've been through probably the harshest bear market in the short crypto history, and some still think it's a bear market. That's the accumulation time, sometimes you feel it's about to break up, other times you feel it's going to break down, but most of the times it's going sideways. Boring, which is great, for whoever keeps doing what needs to be done.

By the way I started this post you might think it is about crypto markets, but it's not.

It's about Splinterlands. After its explosive growth at the end of the previous bull market, followed a long way down with the crypto market. Maybe it was harsher the fall in the case of Splinterlands, given the heights from where it happened. But they kept working, even after a serious downsize and reorganization, and despite the change in the sentiments of players and investors, from extreme exuberance to the "Splinterlands is dying" sentiment, or at least down to earth.

Anyway, in the short span of a few months, maybe even weeks, they'll release 3 major projects that are in various phases of their overall development.

Genesis League Goals Open Beta

Tomorrow, August 3rd, Genesis League Goals (GLG) is launching its Open Beta phase, as announced on Discord:

As the announcement says, that means the game will be opened for everyone, after being open for testing for a select number of players who bought a significant number of packs in the presale.

The message also tells us this is not the full release, rewards are missing, as are skills and possibly other elements.

I haven't tested the game, but I'm sure it will have its share of players after all elements are added, despite not looking like the real thing (football, or soccer for Americans).

Land Expansion - Phase 1.5

Land is a huge project for Splinterlands. And 1.5 will be the first playable phase of the game. And it's coming in August (officially confirmed, without a fixed date).

Compared to what we knew so far, Runies are back into play for Land 1.5, the initial release. Not titles or earning totem fragments on harvesting, which look like will be rolled out later.

Although it wasn't talked about in this week's Town Hall, I assume Land Surfing will continue to come at a later release.

Something else that might be new (not promised) at the initial release was an "Auto Fill" option, which would be helpful for filling in low-level plots with low-level cards, just to make them work, as far as I understood from Nate. That would be a major helper for those with an impressive number of plots.

Anyway, looks like we can count weeks until Land 1.5 is here. That's the second one.

SoulKeep - Tower Defense

There is currently a pre-proposal to stop rewards for holding Nightmare packs when the gameplay of SoulKeep begins and replace them with rewards earned through gameplay. I don't believe it makes sense not to pass this proposal, so I think it will pass.

That is probably one of the last roadblocks before launching SoulKeep. Maybe it won't be in August to not overlap with Land 1.5, but it will follow soon after, most likely.

Final Words

Here they are: 3 major Splinterlands projects about to be released publicly. Among the 3, land has been expected the most and for the longest time, but we will see how each of them perform in their own niche. I'm also quite confident in SoulKeep, if it's a good one. We'll see about GLG.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


Now is actually the right time to accumulate whatever you can because I don't think these prices can ever come down to the bearish market we faced anymore
About Splinterlands, I'm hoping to work on it soon

That's it. Now is probably the safest accumulation phase, apart from the crash to 16k, which was more emotional and people saw bitcoin going lower.

About Splinterlands, sure, now that bots are excluded from the Modern format, maybe you will find it more appealing to start your journey.

Hope it can hold up to the hype.

Yep, the new releases will be scrutinized and if they fail expectations, the hype will disappear.

The Splinterlands Team has been delivering on a constant basis be it during the bull or the bear market. Sometimes I have the feeling they have been doing a bit too much ;-). All 3 projects that you mention have the potential to be game changers and I hope they will give a new dynamic to the play2earn sector on hive.

I have picked this post on behalf of the @OurPick project and it will be highlighted in the next post! Comment Footer.jpg

Yep, I had the same feeling, it's a bit too much, especially as the company lost half of its employees. But somehow they pulled it off. Now let's see if that creates more excitement or if the long bear market still takes its toll. Maybe a good idea would be fresh players, from outside crypto, who didn't just go through the bear market (although they went through an economic crisis).

I have seen a people play the alpha and it looks interesting. People can either play it on automatically or manually. So I think it gives people a certain degree of freedom. I am wondering how things go but things tend to be quite slow for Splinterlands and I hope they do manage to release the rest of the stuff on time.

People can either play it on automatically or manually.

Do you mean something like no-bots or bots, but officially provided? I don't know any details, just asking.

From what I know, once you start a match, you are given options and if you don't click on an action within 9 seconds, it goes with the choice that has the highest percentage (game decides).

Ah, much like the speed of the game in Splinterlands, then. Except, in this case, there might be other decisions after the game starts that are affected by the settings.

Looking forward to the open beta kick off tomorrow, will be great to start playing the game. I have setup my first team, not sure if I should have a 2nd one or not yet though.

It's great for you. I haven't bought any packs in the presale or afterwards, so I'll be on the sidelines, at least for a while.

Yes, there was a good APR for pack staking. I didnt have too many packs though.

Yep, I think they were. But I went with staking GLX (after offloading a good amount of them in the beginning and for a while).

This is really a great news of development

Thanks for sharing.

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