Watch Out, Project Blank! Offer Expands Where Demand Is, And Time Is a Factor.

in LeoFinance2 years ago (edited)

In a world where web3 and metaverse became buzzwords, regular people understand fractions of what each of these concepts would entail and make up the rest, much like someone would hum a song by ear, after hearing it many times.

Actually, not even very competent people in these matters can tell you what web3 - not to mention metaverse - will look like, because they encompass many moving parts which are in rapid development, and it isn't very clear which parts will make up web3, when it will become something stable and which can be formalized. Regarding metaverse, assumptions are completely idiotic at this point, since it will most likely be based on technologies not yet invented, not to mention perfected. Metaverse is more science fiction at this point than fact.

But both terms are slowly highjacked by powerful organizations, which can afford to wait until they become mainstream, and at that time, they'll be the ones controlling the narrative, as the mainstream experts in the domain.

To me it looks kind of hilarious to see promises from Twitter to become less censoring or allowing payments in stable coins, as moves towards web3. But their size gives them the advantage of greatly influencing the narrative for the mainstream, along with all the other small group of entities who currently control web2.

So, when they'll declare, with small ambiguous steps like that, after a while, that they are a web3 platform, mainstream will buy it and be happy they don't have to leave Twitter. No decentralization, no account ownership, of course.

Image source. Interesting, a spider's web looks centralized. What would happen if spiders would collaborate to build their webs? Ha! Looks like they do, there is such thing as social spiders.

While I understand how the roadmap is constructed, and that we can't even talk about Project Blank before the LeoMobile apps v1 are launched in the app stores and code base merged with the desktop app (which forms a base for Project Blank as well), every day it passes it's a day Twitter and others find a way to keep their users or attract users to their platform instead of what will be Project Blank.

By the way, from what I heard the major holdback against @DBuzz becoming widely accepted on Hive was that it creates top-level posts, and that is considered unacceptable for short-form content, sharing rewards from the pool together with long-form content.

Looks like D.Buzz team is working on putting this content off-chain, using ceramic accounts. I don't know many details about that, it's just something I picked up from the latest CTT.

This is a different solution than Project Blank has slated. From what I understand this content on ceramic accounts is stored temporarily (off-chain), then removed, which makes sense for most short-form interactions.

Project Blank on the other side will use custom jsons to avoid publishing short-form content as posts, and this is also a way to reduce its size (maybe even compress it, I'm adding). But it will be on-chain, and it will be there forever. I'm sure it will be a middle layer that will allow smooth interactions, potentially keeping a discussion thread in memory while you have it open (just guessing here).

But all these are not easy to build and necessitate time. Not sure how long it will take for the D.Buzz team to integrate ceramic accounts, but they only have one thing to focus on, instead of a number of layers depending on each others.

What we know for sure is that with every day that passes, Twitter (and others) will find new ways to tie their users to their platforms and be happy that they are on "web3". With Elon Musk's fire under their butts, it might take a shorter time.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Just a heads up that this one didn't display on I take it because the dbuzz tag is considered spam?

At least it's interesting from the point of view that Project Blank is going to face the same issues in other communities haha.

Just a heads up that this one didn't display on I take it because the dbuzz tag is considered spam?

Ah, ok, interesting. Thanks for the heads up. Maybe I should remove the tag. After all, it's not a dbuzz content.

I don't think either of them will 'benefit' of this treatment in the future. Dbuzz after implementing ceramic accounts and moving content off-chain, and Project Blank because it won't actually create posts, it will create custom jsons, like Splinterlands or Hive-Engine.

Ah, that makes sense about DBuzz. I thought it was weird that it is like a full post for just short comments.

It's certainly getting exciting in the Hive space.

LN sent me here.

I don't know where they are in this process of integrating ceramic accounts, but that would lift one major issue off their hands.

cool, im following it keenly.

We should call it project meme because it has become more of a "soon" meme than an actual thing people are waiting for :P

Since Project Blank isn't really its name, project meme is as good as any other placeholder. :)

glad you agree :)))

Yea I used DBuzz at one point in the past and I realized how things could go on top-level posts. At the same time, the content tends to be quite short so there are some people who disagree with rewards for those posts. I just think Project Blank will be better because it's not taking from the hive pool and more from the 2nd layer and it will be custom JSON instead of top-level posts.

DBuzz seems to be on route to some major changes too with those ceramic accounts, but we will see. At least we will have at least one very good short-form interface at some point.

Sorry if this is off topic but you really freaked me out because I know some weird facts about Arachnids (fascinating creatures) If they were able to communicate and organize we as a species would really have to fight for our existence.
That is a horror movie for sure.

I have no idea, but humans would be much lower on the tropic chain without their social abilities and passing of knowledge between generations.

I agree with you, and thanks for the thoughtful comment 😀

I never used dbuzz myself, I remember getting a dm about it but I never tried it.
Maybe I should..

Blank, we've all been waiting for it. Wen? :)

I haven't used it either.

Soon, of course.

Of course lol


Long form? Short form? Json? Above my head about what is going on. Thanks for sharing.

Long form = blog posts with more than a couple of paragraphs

short form = tweet-like

custom json = it's a type of transaction on Hive, the most used one, especially due to Splinterlands and Hive-Engine, which both use custom jsons.