Week through Adrian's Lenses (4-10 May 2024)

in LeoFinancelast month (edited)

This is the #70th edition of the "Week through Adrian's Lenses" weekly Hive and crypto news roundup.

Let's see what we have for this week. We cover:


  • HiveFest
  • Hive's Nest
  • Open Genie
  • V4V.App
  • Hive ImageHoster
  • Polls
  • Propolis
  • EDS
  • Pinmapple
  • GOSH
  • WOO
  • Splinterlands
  • Rise of the Pixels
  • Holozing
  • Hive Motion Sports League
  • Helping Out a School in Venezuela Project


  • Bitpanda / Raiffeisen Bank
  • Bitcoin Depot ATMs

Week on Hive

20 of 35 tracked posts made it to this week's issue of the "Week on Hive" roundup.

In the Spotlight

HiveFest 9 in Split, Croatia!

This week we had the initial announcement regarding this year's HiveFest, which will be held during the 10-15 September period in Split, Croatia!

Shortly after, @gtg published a post about the deal made with SkyTeam Airline Alliance for air flights during the period of the Hivefest, to and from Split (maybe connections too, read carefully). The deal means a discount of up to 15% for the airlines part of the alliance and their destinations.

Marketing / Awareness / Branding

Hive's Nest: "The Revolution Will Be Televised"

@hivesnest will be a new content delivery channel on Hive "promoting the journeys of fellow Hivians! Over the next few months, we’ll be shooting interviews, monologues, and adventures around the development of Hive in the real world.

HivesNest will document the thoughts and escapades of the communities we encounter and will highlight our journey as we continue to onboard more businesses and people to Hive."

Seems like a perfect fit for this section of my report, so I'll keep an eye on it.

Governance / Development / Dapps

Make and Grant Wishes with Open Genie

Open Peak created Open Genie. While they have an interface for it, it can be integrated into any front end on Hive at no cost since this was funded by the DHF.

What is Open Genie? Well, it's a kind of Fiverr, if you are familiar with it, except in reverse. Instead of service providers coming with their offers, whoever needs something done "makes a wish" and hopes a genie will fulfill it. Unlike Fiverr, Open Genie doesn't take a cut, which makes it perfect for micropayments.

The launch will be next week on Monday, but it can be tested openly until then. Here's more information.

V4V.App Updates

Signup for a New Hive Account with BTC Lightning

Brian (of London) published a complete and easy-to-follow guide on how to create a Hive account using Lightning and the V4V.App, after adding the new onboarding option into his application. Check it out!

Video Tutorial on KeepSats

A few days before that, based on the ordering of his posts, Brian created a simple 3Speak video which is a walkthrough tutorial for using the new KeepSats on V4V.App.

Blocktrades Improved Hive ImageHoster's Performance

You might've remembered not long ago there were some glitches on almost all front ends where avatars weren't loading or were displayed very late.

Well, that's what the Blocktrades team fixed, mostly. It is a relatively technical article, but some people (like myself) do appreciate the story of an issue hunting and finding a fix for it, which is what this post was.

Creating Polls with PeakD

Peak Open polls have been partially integrated into PeakD for a little while, but creating them was still not possible from one of the biggest front ends on Hive. Now it is, and the process is similar to creating a new post (but you select Create a Poll instead of Create a Post), and the post has a poll at the end. Here the process is described in detail, even if it's simple.

Ecency Also Integrated Polls, and More

At the same time, Ecency also integrated the Polls protocol into its interface and also improved its chat.

Introducing Propolis, the Web3 Wiki

The basis for this Web 3 Wiki project on Hive now called Propolis, after the first concept of @pharesim of a long time ago, is shaping up. They now have a team and a contest for the logo. But the hard part hasn't begun yet...

Inleo: April's Dev Report

Inleo hired either at the end of March or in April someone who is dedicated to finding and fixing bugs, including those reported by the community. Eventually, his job will also be to make sure the code is kept "clean" as the other devs forge ahead. At least that's what I understood from Khal, and he talked about this on different occasions.

But this week, they published a dev report for April, where they mention that

There were 27 major pushes to the UI throughout April along with over 25 app errors that got addressed as well

All 27 major updates were presented in the post, in case you are curious.

EDS Explained

Maybe you read about EDS, EDSD, or @eddie-earner. If you aren't sure how everything works, they've created a full guide either for those who came into contact with them for the first time or as refreshers.

Projects Closing Down...

Not everything is rosy on Hive.

It is with much sadness the news of the Pinmapple project being closed down was received in the community. There may be some talks of someone taking it over, but we will see what happens. By all appearances, it's not an easy project to run. It is time-consuming, at least on the curation part, plus the server costs (but the technical aspect is probably the one more would offer to take over - @gtg already did).

Another news of the same kind was the retirement of the GOSH project, which was slated to be the Threads counterpart to Twitter's POSH. But after disallowing top-level links on Threads, the project kind of lost its purpose. It would probably be the same, even if top-level links are brought back on a limited scope, such as for Premium users only, something that was recently put on the table as an option to be discussed (for pros and cons).


WOO Kicks Off Prelim Season 1 with 500 HIVE in Prizes

The unofficial prelim season 1 will last until May 31st (midnight Eastern), with prizes split based on leaderboard positioning. Good luck! Here are the details.

Grain-DEC LP Added to Land Next Week

The Trade Hub (which now includes only the Grain-DEC pair) will be added to Land on the following maintenance window. At the same time, Loot Chests will be added to the Glint Shop, and will replace random draws:

These chests have a random chance of containing a reward card, alchemy or legendary potions, merits, bonus energy, or a jackpot prize - that can be packs, items, or cards from the $JACKPOT account. These chests will replace the current random draws.

Listen to the Town Hall

Rise of the Pixels Updates

Two weeks after the launch, the team decided to make some changes to give more chances to new players or unlucky small players to get rewarded without having to compete directly for these rewards with top players.

Holozing - Restarts Communications

Holozing posted about another game mechanic, where a creature starts from a normal type and can evolve into something else.

They also hinted there have been some issues that hindered the game development, but they are preparing a separate post to describe the situation more in-depth. You can also check their discord, where it looks like they mentioned more details.

Meetings / Events / Communities

Hive Motion Sports League

This is a pilot project funded and monitored by Value Plan and Actifit in Barquisimeto, Venezuela "that aims to engage local communities in the exciting global era of Hive. Hive Motion Sports League encourages sports participation, connects communities, and promotes the adoption of blockchain technology.".

In the events that took place on April 27th and as a result of them, 100+ athletes were involved, 30+ Hive accounts were created, and on the Web 2 side, they reached 5000+ impressions and 700+ interactions on Twitter, and 5100+ accounts were reached on Instagram. Here are the full details.


Helping Out a School in Venezuela Project

@cbrsphilanthropy from a distance and @nahupuku locally pushed forward with this project of Helping Out a School in Venezuela. The renovated classroom is ready to be used, two powerful computers were purchased, but they ran into some issues with the internet providers. The one they eyed for this project doesn't provide internet in the area of the school, another one which had a great offer didn't answer emails for 2 weeks, and the offer that is firm and workers were on sight and gave the ok they would be able to install internet over there is significantly more expensive, which is currently out of the project's budget. The solution they found was to write a few more posts and power down the rewards... Here are more details.

Week in the Crypto World

The European CEX Bitpanda Offers Crypto in Austria via Raiffeisen Bank

Recent news regarding crypto from the EU was less than encouraging for this space and the prospects of having a sane environment to operate in in the near future.

On the flipside, there are some timid moves to bring crypto closer to the masses.

Have you heard of Bitpanda? I haven't. Looks like CMC hasn't either. It's not within the Top 250 crypto spot exchanges by volume, listed on CMC, unless it's under a different name. Maybe they are not interested in being listed on CMC or Coingecko? Curious...

Anyway, it seems they already had a partnership with Raiffeisen Bank and offered crypto in Viena, but now they expanded it to include 55 additional branches of the bank in Austria.

Austrians may know better about the conditions of this agreement, but we know banks are still a good way to popularize financial products and give them credibility (ironically!) for a sizeable segment of the population.

Almost 15000 Bitcoin Depot ATMs in the USA

As long as "cash is king" ATMs will have a big role in society. I still like to use cash as well as digital payments depending on the situation, so I understand their role.

So a piece of news regarding the extension of the Bitcoin Depot ATMs network, nowhere else but in the US is still good news.

Otherwise, I do believe in time mobile payments (or something else from the future) will slowly make ATMs obsolete because there are no combined networks of ATMs and POS-es as large as the network of mobiles/computers worldwide connected to the internet.

Full list of "Week through Adrian's Lenses" posts

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It's a good way to pick what interests you.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


That is a lot of updates that I am interested in. The Pinmapple closing down is really sad, but last I checked there were some users like Detlev that is open to saving it. The Holozing update is encouraging, but I am still waiting for more. There seems to be a lot happening all around and it is exciting to see.

The Pinmapple closing down is really sad, but last I checked there were some users like Detlev that is open to saving it.

Yep, both Detlev and gtg expressed their interest in helping to keep the platform alive, but I believe the most challenging aspect in this case might be the curation aspect, long term.

Oh, I see. I thought a lot of users will be waiting in line to be a curator. Splinterlands doesn't seem to have any problems with theirs.

I thought a lot of users will be waiting in line to be a curator

You think? I don't think it's that easy to be dependable and consistent over time as a curator.

Yeah, but I was just basing it off of the SPL curators. Their fellow curator can vote on their own SPL posts with high percentage. Or at least that's what I've seen.

Their fellow curator can vote on their own SPL posts with high percentage. Or at least that's what I've seen.

That's not true curation. Very few do true curation, to be honest.

I guess that's true.

Wow you cover so much about Hive I best follow you to learn everything I need to know... Really looking forward to this year's HiveFest too

I make a selection of the Hive topics that I collect over the week. Sometimes they cover quite a lot, that's true.

Hivefest will likely be spectacular this year, from the chosen location.

Amazing I can't wait to see more of your work..
Eagerly waiting for Hive fest

Thank you, appreciate it!

Yep, Hivefest time is usually a time when many projects choose to unveil what they've been working on, whether they participate or not at the event.

That's really amazing... See I didn't even know that... I'm learning so much from you already

You'll see how it is in September... 😉

Absolutely funny enough 15th September is actually my birthday😂😂😂

I am also trying to share this platform with all my friends and people living in my city.

That's great to hear!

It looks a lot happened and it's sad to see projects shut down. However, it's better than the projects that disappeared because the owners left. Hopefully, someone picks Pinmapple.

Yep, I agree. It's much better to have a controlled phase-out with the possibility that someone takes over than someone going MIA and a project abandoned, neither closed nor alive, and without the possibility for someone to take over.

You just reminded me to check my Holozing wallet
You’re the one who reminds me everytime😅

Looks like I do a good job "promoting" the game, even if I don't set my mind to this. Let's hope things are okay-ish and we'll hear some good news soon.