Mint club a token listed on today

in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)


I love to explorer new proyects and found this, the mintclub proyect which was support by binancelabs because are very innovación un their design, it let you create a token without code, this Is amazing because Is hard to make it.


This Is the track code yo know about this Wonderful token for this reason if you hace us$0.50 AND do not need it and thinking this could be a great proyect, taking my advice this Is a financial advice invest a Little un mintclub AND hold on, today it Is listing on, tomorrow would be binance, do not lose the oportunity, AND get a Little of grow on this.

Thanks a Lot this images are not mine were taking from telegram group.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


So MintClub simplifies the process of making the token and adding it to BSC? I wasn't exactly sure from the description you said. I am not really sure I trust it without vetting the code though.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you very much note that it is a platform to create smart tokens so I have understood your mint purchases and then you can create your token within the platform with a few clicks, without so much code based on your balance in mint in stock and from there the importance of the project since every time you create a token it blocks the mint and leaves it out of circulation therefore it is a super project that has an incredible deflation, hence Binance labs is promoting and supporting it, and if I understand that you believe it In the BSC since you can do the tracking there specifically and then you put the price, you put the amount and you can add the web page of the project that you are tokenizing this without coding anything, anyone can do it as if you were filling out a form, that I understood but well, until now I have not delved much into creating my token, rather it has caught my attention that if Binance supports it, lists it, it is not a small thing, it is in its stage s initials that is why I came and decided to share it here on pain that they stone me for going promoting and giving financial advice that yes, I answer for US $ 0.50 no more jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
If you want to bet more, I no longer answer I jaaaaaaaaaaaaa
So if you can review the project, see what it is about and consider that it can contribute to organic growth, then go ahead my friend, go ahead.
Thanks for asking.

Thanks. I'll look into it then decide if it is right for me.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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Hombre mano ,hay tantos y tantos proyectos , que no sé que pensar , voy a informarme más sobre este token y decidiré , gracias por la información manito
Te deseo un feliz fin de semana

Revísale manito revísale y buena suerte.