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RE: Cryptocurrency: Spurring Financial Innovation

in LeoFinance4 years ago

And with the possible changes that are brewing in Washington to the financial system trying to update the agreement to suppress the Breton Woods gold standard, this will give the financial system a boost since the COVID came to accelerate technological innovation, I think the In the last 7 months there has been more innovation than in the last two years in technological matters, so dearly, we are on the verge of something great, the good thing that we are monitoring it closely and we are already here, many have not even realized it, imagine the impact that he has had pay pal al already venturing into the crypto world, we wait for a boom and then as someone out there said, enjoy lambo, happy dear day.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I would say that technological implementation by major corporations is much greater than pre-COVID. They really stepped things up which is pushing for even more technology.

It is all building upon each other.

This will cause an acceleration of technological impact, whether society is prepared for it or not.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta