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RE: Nest egg

in LeoFinance4 years ago

No worries on the crypticness, it's your business until you decide to share, if at all. I think this is one of the cool aspects about mulling over these things; We tend to think more objectively and out of the square and it can turn up some really great options. Let's see where plan B leads huh?


it will be shared and blogged about. It will be too cool not too

Yay! I was hoping you'd say that. I guess it's like me and my debt free thing...I'm not sharing anything private really, figures and all...A nice topic of conversation though; We're all human and have similar thoughts and scenarios.

very true and it's good to read positive stuff and solutions to whats going on at the moment. It's just forced me to reassess an awful lot and think about things very differently. Appreciate things in a different way. make the most of whats here right now as who knows what the future holds here in the philippines

Reassessing is good, a smart thing to do as there's so many moving parts to life these days. It's good to think about them, have a look at how they connect and operate and make adjustments if required. You're a smart guy, you know this already.

well i pretend to be smart ;)

Me too...I do a reasonable job mostly, except when I'm a dumbass.