AI and Blogging

in LeoFinance9 months ago

I am always, well nearly always online trying to get an idea on where the World is going, on what new things are happening, on catching up with the news and frankly trying to take advantage of this knowledge, something I never seem to do, except in arguments with my friends, I do know a lot.

But one of the things. I have seen pop up a lot in the last few years is AI. Now I am not really a technically minded person so this is a topic I just superficially read about. Of course it interests me to see if there is any money in it, and if I can tap into this money. Like all developments, l find that, yes, there is money and no, l cannot tap it.

I just am not built for making it online. With AI one of the things I have read is to monetize is to have it write articles for you, you just give your AI buddy an idea and there you go, an article is made. I can have fifty articles a day, ready for all my social networks just ready for upvotes

That is when my negativity sets in, l just think, ok l have all these articles, online, but everybody also has AI so everybody will also have fify articles daily , just who is going to read them? So l did not join this new opportunity like l did not join many others. Did l miss out? Most probably, but l am old, l guess that is just how l am.


It will impact you engagement on Hive and Leo since it is pretty easy to tell that it's not human. Once AI gets more human I don't know what will happen.

A text written by a real person is still better.