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RE: Using HiveSQL with Python on Mac

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Yes, everything makes sense. I looked at some examples. You are right, there is no way to see which one is rejected, or accepted in HiveSQL.

The question is if 'logs' is actually stored in the blockchain or is it probably stored in a separate hive-engine database?


custom_json are non-consensus operations. This means that the blockchain will never reject any (except if authorities are missing).

Therefore, HiveSQL (like the blockchain) includes all broadcasted custom_json, even if "duplicate" or considered as invalid by a 2nd layer app.

This is why there is no hive-engine "state" table in HiveSQL because the hive-engine code is closed source and HiveSQL doesn't know how to interpret those operations.

Got it :) Thanks for taking your time and clearing it.

Thank you @arcange for explaining.

My pleasure.

Hm that's the question I am trying to find answer too. I would love to work with HiveSQL itself because via API it takes a lot of time.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I don’t know if this will help, but one idea is to collect all transaction_ids where logs show ‘error’ from hive-engine api. Then use this list to exclude in HiveSQL query.

For sure that can be done but as far as I have explored till now , you can get the logs data only by going through all the blocks one by one.

Using a for loop , right now it's fetching 1000 blocks in 4 minutes so yeah it takes a long time again.