What I Would Like To Buy This Holiday Season With Hive

in LeoFinance3 years ago

What is the point of hoarding crypto assets if we don't use them to buy things we can use today?

The argument against it could be that they will be worth more in the future and we probably could buy even more things. lol ok, convinced. Still, it should be possible to do both: invest in the future, and spend some. There is a reason author's rewards are paid out in HP and HBD.

I was planning to upgrade my iPhone to the latest version. But they didn't have any available in the stores and online purchase kept showing long delivery times. The reason I wanted to upgrade was its dual sim card feature, which would allow to use to plans on the same phone. I did end up ordering one about a month ago online. It still has not arrived. It seems like supply change crisis is a real thing.

Since I had to order the phone online, I had to go through all steps of checking the right options for the order. The last option was if I wanted to pay for it in full, or use Apple's zero interest payment plan of almost $50 a month. I normally pay for everything in full, or end up paying off as soon as I can. But seeing how inflation is going crazy and USD losing its value, it seemed like a good idea to take advantage of zero interest loan from Apple.

I have heard about these zero interest installment plans offered by Apple before. It was actually a clever strategy to boost their sales along with trade-in old phones strategy. Apple is good at innovating. But coming up with big changes every year is a difficult task. And older phones are of good quality and have all the features people use. Upgrading iPhones every year or even every other year are not justified any more. So these two strategies did help them to keep the demand for their phones up.

I having been saving up some HBD to buy something. It wasn't necessarily going to be an iPhone. But looks like it will going to be. That creates another dilemma. Why use HBD to pay off the full price of the phone, when I can still be paying 50 HBD a month payments on it. There are no interests. In the end the cost would be the same.

In that case, what else can I buy with Hive? There is so many things I could buy. Let me share a few. I was planning to buy a decent DSLR camera. The problem with that has always been which one to buy. As soon as I like one, another one looks better. Then I came across ProGrip.


ProGrip is an accessory by ShiftCam that makes taking pictures and shooting videos with smartphones more comfortable. It has a wireless power bank, bluetooth shutter, and ergonomic grip that gives the feel of using a real DSLR camera. The phone can be switched to portrait and landscape modes or used as a stand. The price of the ProGrip is $150. Not bad. I think I can buy it. Hive pay for it. lol. It would work well with my new iPhone that has not arrived yet.

ShiftCam has many more products that enhance photography with an iPhone or other smartphones. I wanted them all and had to look at their holiday discount offers and there is a Holiday Full Set for $520.


I like the full set bundle. But it is a bit pricey and getting closer to the price of a DSLR camera. Now I don't want to buy only proGrip. If I buy it, it has to come with all of the other lenses, lights, and tripod. This decision making got a little bit more complicated. Hive can afford it, no?

The next item I would like to buy is Insta360 Go 2. It is a very small action cam that has many awesome features to take cool quality videos.


Insta360 Go 2 is very versatile. It can be mounted anywhere, or attached to clothes or hats with a magnet, and can be used hands free. It comes with a remote control that also serves as a charging case, and as a stand. The coolest feature it has is flow state stabilization. When shooting video while in motion it stabilizes the picture frame. Even when the camera is turned sideways it continues to record or stream the videos as if nothing happened. The price for Insta360 Go 2 with 64GB is $311.

The next item I find interesting is Apollo, and would be just out of curiosity to see if it actually works and delivers on what they say it does. It is a wearable like a watch and suppose to help with recover from stress, relax, focus, sleep and feel better. That is a lot of functions for one device. It would be cool if it actually works. However, I am a bit skeptical, but would want to give it a benefit of a doubt.


The way it works is, when wearing and activated it sends soothing vibrations and if set properly they should calm the user or let them focus or relax and sleep better. It connects to a mobile app and the settings can be adjusted for various functions, duration and intensity. The reviews I have seen so far seem to be positive but not conclusive. Some extensive video reviews while don't seem to find any negative effects, and significant changes, do find somewhat helpful. There were the ones that recommended to buy and another that didn't only based on how much it costs. I am not too eager to buy it. But may end up buying anyway just to see how it works. The price for this item is $350.

There are many more things I would like to buy. It is a never ending process. There are some big ticket items on my list too, which I may share about sometime in the future. Maybe when Hive is at $10?

So the total for this shopping list will be $2481. Can Hive pay for this? I believe so. What do you think? What are you buying with Hive? Let me know in the comments.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


It's cool, but one thing to keep in mind. No matter how much artifact you put on the phone, it will never be like a professional camera. The issue of the camera is not only in the megapixels, but in the size of the sensor. If the sensor is small for many megapixels it has, you would not be using them. Phone cameras sell smoke, if you really want to take good photos buy a camera and not a phone accessory. It is my recommendation as a photographer. Equally as a toy it looks good.

Great points. Now I may not buy it. lol
What camera and lenses would you recommend to buy?

To be your first camera, I would recommend something like the CANON EOS 4000D. This little girl is a lion. I had one of the older versions of this Canon model, it was a magical experience. I share here a post that I made a while ago, the photos taken were with that camera. Also if you want you can try this technique, night photography is very fun. https://hive.blog/hive-150329/@alfarero/how-to-make-art-steel-wool-paint-with-light ENJOY !LOLZ

What to you call it when you think about eating cheese?
A ques-idea.

@geekgirl, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @alfarero
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (1/1)

When you mentioned the lastest iPhone, did you mean to say the iPhone 13 had dual Sims? That's gotta be something to actually upgrade for, nevertheless, did you actually calculate it together with the total price? I have a list of shopping plans too, but I just would probably pend them till the end of next year. Great list you have there

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes, iPhone 13 Pro Max. I did include the phone in the total price.

After buying the iPhone, I found out that my iPhone XS Max is dual sim capable too. However, it used one physical sim and one eSim. But works. My understanding iPhone 13 Pro Max can do two physical sims. But not sure. Will find out when it arrives.

Thank you.

Whooooo, huge, I don't know how esim works, but I sure would be prefering the physical one, no doubt.

Cheers! Make a video when it arrives.

eSim is just like physical sim but not physical. lol. Need to call the carrier to activate it. It was easy to set it up.

What are you buying with Hive?

Thinking about buying a Car - Hyundai Creta 😉


Very nice. What's the price?

Approx 24000 USD

You will get in no time. :)

That's some nice goal you have.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

May be the last car for me 😀

May or may not, you never know what life has for you.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

True that.

Buy BTC.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Already have that. Last few month I just kept buying and buying. Out of fiat now. lol

Good advice

Am thinking of getting a new phone but not an iPhone 13 lol

Do you prefer Android phones instead?

He might just get himself Lesser iPhone. Maybe 11 or 12 but not 13 lol

Android is never better than iPhone. This was always my assumption.

At this point, it's more about what you are used to rather than which tech is better.
There is really good Android phones out there. But I can never use them anymore. I am too used to the Apple ecosystem.

Yeah at the moment

If your money is sitting somewhere earning interest, then it's always better to leave it there to grow so take the interest free option.

Those devices you're looking at sound interesting. I don't know what I would buy with Hive. Maybe more crypto to diversify a bit 🤔

That's true. But how long are you going to leave them? You would have to spend them at some point. Otherwise, what's the point?

I agree that you have to spend crypto at some point. Definitely. I just meant that if you can pay for something in smaller increments you don't have to withdrawal everything at once. So the majority can stay in an account and earn interest before the until the next payment is due and so on.

Right now I don't have enough crypto to make it worth while to spend it hahaha 😆

I am thinking about buying apple giftcards and then sell the apple products afterwards for the cash xD

Interesting. Is there a profit in doing that? Why not just convert Hive into cash?

I would likely lose some profits, but I would properly not have to pay tax. Sooooo..

I do want to clarify that I don't might taxes when they are "fair", but the crypto tax in my country is 57% is I don't consider as fair xD

oh wow. 57% is too high.

Yeps, its insane x)

now only imagine you could pay with Hive pay/List :)))

Are these items listed there? Haven't checked on Hivelist in a while. Is it active?

don't think so, my point was more that it would be a game changer if it were ;)

I have a lot things in my bucket list but I’d love to get this one real quick


Good one.

One day we will be buying things thanks to HIVE. However, there is a long way for me to do that.

There are a lot of things I like to buy but I find myself talking myself out of it. However I do think Chaos Legion packs is definitely something I want to buy and I have already bought the credits for it. All I need to do is to wait for the general sale.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Rising star packs would do for me at the moment.

I use an android for now but iphone would be a better option next year, probably end of Q2.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Curious about Apollo. Maybe you will share a review with us once you get your hands on it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes, I hope so.

I need such a juicy wallet to be able to buy everything I want. 😔

Doesn't have to come out your wallet. The goal is to make Hive pay the bills. lol

That's exactly what I mean, that my Hive wallet pays for everything I want. Now how to achieve this?


With your budget and wallet balance, I would definitely get me three mini doge miners to boost my crypto mining ops!!!

Are they profitable?

Yes they are. the device mine one crypto coin and you get a second coin for free as a bye product.
That is, it mines dogecoin and you earn litecoin as a bonus as well from your mining. Above all, power consumption of the devices is minimal which helps to increase your profit after deducting your electricity cost.

Nice choice of gadgets for upgrades. I do agree that we need to spend some to enjoy life and not be burnt out by just purely working for crypto. That's also my plan, to spend my Hive earnings to buy things for better content. I'm just new to Hive Blog...does HP matter to have bigger earnings in my posts or does HP only matter in curating?

I don't think HP matters too much for author's rewards. But I am sure they have some influence too. HP does return good curating rewards though.

That insta360 looks a cool item. As we either have smartphones in our pockets and if the camera ain't that good then this item could also fit best as it consumes little space.

Now I don't know how the picture quality will be.

actually many i want to buy some of them (good camera) just to improve my daily content to be better but for now hive can only give me cheap smartphone and it will arrive in few days.

I'll think about mine. Pro grip is cool!

Great List,now I want to add the insta 360 to my bucket list

That type of moola is out of my league, still building my account to be able to produce that much. But deffenently something to think about. !PIZZA

those are some good choices. I just wanna pay my bills right now. 😀

Yes, bills ruin everything.

Best part of being an adult lol

I really haven't thought about what I could buy with Hive. Looks like you have done a very good job at looking into what you want, with some interesting items. I am just in the hold mode right now. Good luck on your purchases when you decide what you want.

Thank you.

Dammit! Now you have me wanting to buy cool shit with my tasty Hive I’ve been hoarding. Lol

Spend them!

? In fairness...I did spend a tiny bit on some Plots of Land in Splinterlands...so there is that. lol

Bueno amigo yo tengo poco tiempo en hive, pero he podido comprar algunas cosas de utilidad, tengo muchas aspiraciones pero actualmente es mi única entrada y eso no me deja ahorrar lo suficiente.

These all look like great products and I'm sure with the footage you can create some great content and make your money back. I can recommend the Insta Go 2. It's really an amazing camera for the size and there's so many cool types of shots you can get. The app for the camera makes editing the footage really easy. I look forward to seeing what you film with it !

cool stuff.

New iphone worth?

Just arrived. Not really. But it's ok. :)

haha, im looking for a new phone for a longer time now.

But how it is, i don't buy some :P

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hopefully i am able to get a new
mobile game, would like that!

I just want to buy chaos legion packs as much I can before general sale

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I want to buy more $AWC from https://atomicwallet.io/, for staking on the decentralized wallet application for good APY at the end of the day.