Capital vs Cunning!

in LeoFinance3 years ago

If you're here on Hive, or a similar community, or trading, you will very quickly run into the limits of your finances.

Maybe you can buy thousands of Hive for your account. Maybe you're able to do that. Maybe you're not. Maybe you have the capability, but the risk is very scary for you. Maybe you can buy a bit every so often and build up your account over time.

If you're really cunning, and have enough money you can have some money set aside in a trading account, maybe you can have some buys set in for a crypto asset, like Hive, that are at far lower buys even than the current price, and hopefully those get filled and you pick up some crypto dirt cheap.

These sorts of situations where you can build up your account are all a lot easier the more money you have. Keeping money in a trading account is risky, and as people say, if you don't own the keys, it's not your crypto. You have to buy the crypto somehow though, and unless you're going to build your own software, you probably need to trust one of these companies enough to be able to set limit buys if you want to pick up a bit of crypto for lower than the current price at any time. After all, many cryptos only dip so long. Either you gotta be watching the market and put in a buy at the perfect time, or you have to set buys beforehand.

You don't necessarily have to have a ton of money to take advantage of this idea though. You can put in a buy for a crypto you like with only maybe $20, or even less. Maybe you put in $100 every few weeks or month and you put in the buys at different levels, rather than just buying it at whatever price it's at currently.

You have to have cunning, not just capital.

If you have a lot of capital, you can pick up a ton of Hive or any crypto, and HODL it for years. If you don't have a lot of capital, maybe you can only buy $50.

In my experience, you usually wish you had picked up more later, no matter how much you buy.

Many people can live with less. They don't need to buy everything they do. They don't need every bit of stuff they got over the last two years. This is especially true of many people in America, but it can also be true of people who live on very little. That's what people really mean when they talk about "Only buy what you can afford to lose." Although that phrase sounds very entitled to me, since many people don't FEEL like they can afford to lose much. Often they're trading happiness today to save money for tomorrow.

If you don't have a lot of capital, you have to be cunning. Maybe you decide to sell some things around your house. Maybe you decide to repair some things to sell them. Maybe you pick up a few extra dollars doing some job to get more to invest. You have to be cunning and pick up money when you can.

Here on Hive, you have to trade time in the form of blogging, taking pictures, doing projects, and researching how to earn more on your posts doing those things. You have to be cunning.

Many things are a lot easier for those with a lot of capital. For this reason, at times, it can feel like everything is slanted in favor of the rich. Often it is. But at times, the cunning you have to develop to fight against that capital advantage may just give you the advantage.

Either you have capital, or you have cunning, or you have crap.

Capital Punishment by Nick Youngson CC BY-SA 3.0 Alpha Stock Images (source)

If you have very limited money, you can slowly set it aside and very carefully use it to get more and more and build it up. Not so much when you live in a very expensive country, but the possibility is there. You have to have that cunning strength and drive. Even if you have a lot of money though, if you don't have at least a little cunning, maybe you'll end up burning through quite a bit of it, and not doing so well.

Maybe you can do like me and trade to try to build up your crypto. Maybe you can work with a community on Hive. Maybe you can get paid in crypto online. Whatever you do, you have to be cunning if you wanna make up for a lack of capital. Work hard. Work smart. Do both. Win. Or you'll end up losing.