[ESP-ENG] FUD (Fear, uncertainty and doubt - Miedo, incertidumbre y dudas) by @ggoitia15

in LeoFinance2 years ago


Muy buenas noches a toda la comunidad, ¿ya sabes qué significa FUD? Acá te dejo una breve explicación

Good evening to the whole community, do you know what FUD means? Here is a brief explanation

Es un plan de Mercado dirigido para producir dudas, desincentivar compras y motivar a la venta de un activo, haciendo caer Su costo, comúnmente aparecen muchas noticias negativas sobre dicho activo, construyendo temor para que así la comunidad, carga el costo y el interesado compre más económico.

It is a market plan aimed at producing doubts, discouraging purchases and motivating the sale of an asset, lowering its cost. Many negative news about said asset frequently appear, building fear so that the community charges the cost and the interested party buys. more economical.

Bastantes personas acostumbran ser manipulada emocionalmente para que vendan a lo largo de este texto por esa razón se sugiere hacer su propio estudio antes de invertir en cualquier activo.

Quite a few people are used to being emotionally manipulated to sell throughout this text, for that reason it is suggested to do your own study before investing in any asset.

Recuerda siempre si vas a invertir utiliza dinero que estés dispuesto a perder y no necesites de enseguida

always if you are going to invest use money that you are willing to lose and do not need immediately



It is very true, especially in crypto, that if you buy when everyone is scared, and you sell when everyone thinks it's "going to the moon", you'll do far better than 90% of the people in the space.

NOW is the time to be building your stakes; when everyone else is scared. Then, when the markets come back, you'll have that much more with which to reap the rewards.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Exactly friend, it is a very good strategy to obtain better profits, but there are people who have been very little in this and do not have the appropriate knowledge, soon I will be uploading a post about FOMO that is also very good to know. Thank you for your comment

Controlar el #FUD siempre tiene que estar en la mente de cualquier inversor igual que el #DYOR , gran post!;)

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