
Are you done Hive journalist task?

I want to done but have some confusions.

Do you mean a post on hive, a long post? Sorry, I didn't get your query. Please Elaborate.

They say write a post about Hive (community, tokenomics, etc)

I have a grip on tokenomics but Hive is not a token, It is a coin.

You must write about anything on #hive, publishing it from #leofinance. It could even be about any milestone you want to achieve on Hive or leo, like powerups. Does that make sense?

I am telling about following quest

It's a broadspectrum then. Yiu can write about anything on hive. Even the communities. there are so many amazing communities there you can talk about like #ocd

from where I collect the information about ocd because 1500 word should be written.

Yes, long-form post on Hive journalist.

Is the term tokenomics also applied on coins?

tokenomics means Token and economics

Yes, you got it right.