Are you worried about your hive earnings? Tips to help you earn more. (Newbie guide)

in LeoFinancelast year

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Are you a newbie, or you've been on Hive for a while and you feel discouraged because you feel you are not earning enough, you need to read this.

To start with, you shouldn't come on board seeing hive as a get rich fast platform, hive is way more than that, If you are patient enough, this was the first rule my on boarder relayed to me, and I'm glad she did because apart from your earnings, there is a whole lot you benefit from hive, we are all part of the eco-system.

There are so many factors you should get yourself inclined with, which this post will help in enlightening you, afterall, learning never stops, and it's good to share the little we've got, without further ado let's get right into it.

1 Are you using the correct tags?

I remember when I first joined, a lot of things were vague for me to understand, trust me, a lot of us felt this way too, then I learned later on, the reason my post was not receiving the audience/ possibilitiesss it needed was because I was the using the wrong tags, tag Is the # that shows beneath our post,it makes curators and authors interested in our topic of choice to easily find us. Writing a financial topic for instance, #leofinance #ctpis used, there are also general tags you can use for any topic of your choice like pob, neoxian etc.please note not all tag are for general purpose.

2 Posting in the right Community

As you have noticed or if you haven't already, you need to explore, you will find hive consist of lots If communities, where each are dedicated to their divers focus, leofinance fir financial topics, emotions and feelings, to write about your emotions, etc, explore them and find your niche if interest, then you will receive and give back the attention you need and want to share.

3 Engagement

Making friends is fun and if you engage interestingly, not spamming, you have to read the authors post and share what you feel, that way building connection can be made easily, you need friends on the block chain, most knowledge I get on how to become better are from friends I met here. Increase your engagement skills

4 Join contest

Some communities such as Hive learners communities organize contest for its members, and there is usually supports in form of rewards or upvotes to encourage you and trust me they are really helpful to help your writing skills and also encourage you.

5 Join community Discord channels

To know more about a community, and have a more interpersonal relationships with its members, receive instant updates/announcement, you need to join their discord channel, which is always provided in most communities pinned post,

6 Be consistent
Be consistent in publishing quality/ educative contents, in no time, what happens when you keep seeing a name pop up on your feed everyday, it sticks,

7 Grow your stake

It shows you believe in the future of the block chain, it can also help you delegate to onboarded, participate in Hpud, we have one coming soon increasing your Hp(hive power) shows your growth, the more hp you got, the more curation result you receive.

Theses are just the basic knowledge you need to have in mind, in other to increase steadily your earning on hive.

Thank you for reading❤❤

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Wahoo 👏👍👍
These are amazing tips for newbies who have been discouraged and even thinking of quitting. I love your insight on this

I must commend Ur Thumbnail
It's top notch
Good job glorydee

Yeah, I had to write the lay man term, just Like I felt initially, all thanks to great people I met on hive just like you, helping one another.

Thanks mama☺

Smiles 😊
You are doing well 👍

I would like to participate in the hpud but don't know how to go about it.

It's easy Amie, it's just powering up your liquid hive, hour is done on the first of every month. If you are still not clear about it, let me know, I'll drop by contact for easier guide, or are you on discord?

Yes, I'm on Discord. Can I have yours so I add you up.

Ok sis, I just sent you a message on discord, check

Wow thanks for your earning tips for the newbies.