Hive JA Community Report #4 / Hive JA こつこつメモ #4 (English & japanese)

in LeoFinance9 months ago (edited)



Good evening, I have some updates about the Hive JA community.

My potted plant growing little by little

This time, I am writing from INLEO, with English translation. Since this community has been supported by not only Japanese users but also many English-speaking people in its foundation, I would like to report in English from time to time. I may not be able to do it every week.

Sent HSBI to those who posted to the Hive JA community this week

This week I sent another HSBI to authors who posted to Hive JA Community.

Eligible participants: those who have made at least one direct post to the Hive JA community (not including crossposts).


Counting period: October 15 (Sun.) - October 21 (Sat.) *Japan time
Quantity: 1 HSBI each

Thanks to everyone who posted here!

Some of you may be suspicious because you don't get upvotes very often after receiving HSBI. HSBI is a mechanism where the more HSBI you hold, the more often you will receive upvotes.

I checked the HSBI FAQ and it stated that you need Hive SBI level worth at least $3 to receive weekly upvotes and $20 to receive daily upvotes. I think this information would be helpful. Of course, even less than that, you should still be upvoted permanently, albeit less frequently.

You can earn at least 1 HSBI each week by posting at least once a week to the Hive JA community. Please earn 1 HSBI each week and increase your HSBI level. I plan to continue this program through the end of the year.

You can check your own HSBI status in your PeakD wallet, but you can also check it by posting "!sbi status" in the comments. Try it in the comments to this post.

PeakD Chat is now available!

I have started using PeakD Chat in the Hive JA community. I would like to use this feature because I wanted to have a place where you can easily ask questions when you have something you don't understand. Although it is a little difficult to operate...🤣

After two hours of struggling in the evening, I finally figured out how to use the "thread" function on PeakD Chat. I will be posting "small information" that I want to share, but not enough to write an article, in the "資料室" of PeakD Chat, so please take a peek. Click on the red frame to read the contents.

d like to be able to have everyone add information to the "資料室," but I'll do some more research on how to make that work and let you know.

@hive-ja has grown to over 7,500 HP

This week, @alkirua has newly delegated to @hive-ja.

And with more delegates from myself, @hive-ja has grown to 7,576 HP account.

About the curation trail

I created a curation trail for @hive-ja on HiveVote and announced on X that anyone can follow it.

I think this feature is beneficial to those who have HP in their accounts but do not upvote much. So I tried to appeal to them from the perspective that they can increase their HP by supporting Japanese posts. However, my X has only a few followers, so I don't know how well it got the message across. I understand that some people are not comfortable with auto-vote, so I can't encourage it too much, but I will continue to let people know from time to time that at least such a feature is available to everyone.

No response for a while after I posted that on X, but today @djynn and @sakurakko joined the curation trail! Thank you so much.

I hope that the number of accounts that follow us will gradually increase and that we will receive many more votes following @hive-ja.

As of today, there are 24 Subscribers!


こんばんは。Hive JAコミュニティについていくつかのお知らせです。




今週もHive JAコミュニティへの投稿者にHSBIをお送りしました。

対象者:Hive JAコミュニティへの直接投稿を1回以上した方(クロスポストは含まない)





HSBIは多く保有するほど、より頻繁にupvoteを受けられるしくみです。HSBIのFAQを確認したところ、毎週upvoteを受けるには少なくとも$3分、毎日upvoteを受けるためには$20分のHive SBIレベルが必要との記載があったので、ひとつの指標になるかと思います。


Hive JAコミュニティへ週1回以上の投稿で、少なくとも毎週1HSBIは獲得できます。ぜひ少しずつ貰ってHSBIレベルを上げてください👍年内はこの企画を継続予定です。

自身のステータスはPeakDのウォレットでも確認できますが、コメントに「!sbi status」と投稿することでも確認できます。この投稿へのコメントで試してみてください。

PeakD Chatを公開しました

Hive JAコミュニティのPeakD Chatの利用を開始しました。分からないことがあった時に、気軽に聞ける場所があればと思い、せっかくの機能なので使ってみたいと思います。ただ、少々癖があるような気はする・・・🤣

夕方から2時間ほど格闘し、ようやく「スレッド」機能の使い方が分かりました。記事を書くほどでもないけれど共有したい「ちょっとした情報」などは、PeakD Chatの「資料室」の方にまとめていきますので、覗いてみてください。赤枠の部分をクリックすると、内容を読めます。


@hive-jaが7,500HP overのアカウントに

今週は新たに@alkiruaさんが@hive-jaにdelegateしてくださいました🙏🙏そして私自身からのdelegateも増やし、現在支援アカウントは7,576 HPとなっています。








※過去の「こつこつメモ」は #hivejareport で読むことができます。

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


!sbi status

Hi @go-kyo!

  • you have 100 units and 150 bonus units
  • your rshares balance is 437882651173 or 0.182 $
  • your next SBI upvote is predicted to be 0.061 $

Structure of your total SBI vote value:

  • 27.98 % has come from your subscription level
  • 70.73 % has come from your bonus units
  • 0.00 % has come from upvoting rewards
  • 0.00 % has come from new account bonus or extra value from pre-automation rewards

    Have you seen our website?
    It's a great resource to check your Hive SBI levels, along with your history of who has sponsored you and what upvotes we have provided you!
The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people ( go-kyo ) sharing the post on LeoThreads,LikeTu,dBuzz.

Congratulations @go-kyo! You have completed the following achievement on the Hive blockchain And have been rewarded with New badge(s)

You got more than 3250 replies.
Your next target is to reach 3500 replies.

You can view your badges on your board and compare yourself to others in the Ranking
If you no longer want to receive notifications, reply to this comment with the word STOP





You must be killin' it out here!
@dbooster just slapped you with 1.000 PIMP, @go-kyo.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/3 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District


This post has been selected for upvote from our token accounts by @dbooster! Based on your tags you received upvotes from the following account(s):

- @dhedge.bonus
- @dhedge.leo

@dbooster has 12 vote calls left today.

Hold 10 or more DHEDGE to unlock daily dividends and gain access to upvote rounds on your posts from @dhedge. Hold 100 or more DHEDGE to unlock thread votes. Calling in our curation accounts currently has a minimum holding requirement of 100 DHEDGE. The more DHEDGE you hold, the higher upvote you can call in. Buy DHEDGE on Tribaldex or earn some daily by joining one of our many delegation pools at

nice can i write english in that community ahha

There are hundreds of communities on Hive for English, so you have tons of options. This one is the only one for Japanese, so I don't think it's too much to ask that people don't post to it unless they are writing in Japanese. There really is no advantage to posting English-only to this community anyway, as most of the people reading the community are Japanese speakers.

ya i totally understand that. don't worry haha. Just thought I could help get more posts in her community to help it grow.

I think the best way to help them out is reblog posts and delegate. Or perhaps write a post introducing the community yourself.

Also, if you want to study Japanese a little, posts with Japanese practice may be ok. That could be fun for you. Japanese is a very rewarding language to study. Though @daveks's Japanese Chat Forum may be better for that purpose.

Ya i tried to learn japanese before it's tough. I do like watching anime though and japanese culture. Are you part of the japanese community?

Any language is tough to learn 😜 If you like watching anime, why not try watching without subtitles? You won't understand anything, but if you do that a lot, you will start to pick up some words slowly, like a child would. "Ah hah, they say this in this situation, it must mean this" and your brain will start to make connections. It's not a bad way to begin to learn a language.

I have lived in Japan for over 20 years, so I feel a strong kinship with the Japanese people on Hive and I enjoy helping and supporting them. I support this community and I will write bilingual posts for it sometimes (but I haven't yet).

Oh, I was unaware of the conversation going on.
Thanks, @shawnnft and @dbooster! In fact, some days it's hard to get more posts here and I get depressed, so it's very encouraging to have people interested in this community☺
The fact that most of the Japanese who continue to write on HIVE are living overseas shows that language is a hurdle for Japanese speakers. I created this community in hopes of removing that barrier. They (we?) are shy and don't talk to others easily, so if you find a post that interests you, it would be great if you could comment on it🙏

English is OK, but you need to write Japanese as well😅 deepl translation is OK!

O.O ya i cant write japanese. not sure i never used deepl