
this is my metamask xD no money inside it, it´s pretty cute

😅 at least it’s cute. Mine’s neither

Ha ha! No money🤣
My son also bought some candy earlier so there is hardly any more in it.

Nice move
The kids should learn saving form very first day

I agree, but he's quick to want to buy candy and juice...😥

Kids nature lol

😅 very nice. Your boy has got taste

Haha, my 5 year old calls it "METAMASK"😅

😅 haha he’ll go far in crypto

How cute!

His grandma bought it for him. He loves it.

hahah, I hope he enjoys it a lot

He took this with him today to buy candy🤣

haha, that’s how children are, when they get new things they don’t want to even leave it down for a minute

Good content :)

Thank you. This is a topic that only people who use cryptocurrency can understand🤣