On Inleo Monthly Prompts Curation

in LeoFinance26 days ago

Ever wondered if anyone reads your #inleo Monthly Prompt entries? And if the curation process is fair? The answer is yes and yes – as much as possible. I am among the ones who read the entries, and just like every other curator, I strive to pick the cream of the crop. Each day brings a mix of the good, the not-so-good, and occasionally the ugly. By the way, the terminology comes from the famous spaghetti Western with Clint Eastwood, except it is more polite to dub the middle group the not-so-good-ones. If you struggle with getting curated, here are some do’s and don’ts that should help you to get among the good ones.

source: themoviedb.org

Before getting to the lists, there is a thing to point out: You are not automatically entitled to receive the upvote just for submitting your contribution. This is not a paid copywriting gig. And once again: if your post was submitted correctly, it was read. If it wasn’t upvoted, other entries were preferred over yours.

Five Keen Do’s

  • Write posts you would enjoy reading yourself. Oh yes, the first rule of success is that simple. You may not impress curators with such posts, but they would likely draw the attention of people with similar interests to yours, eventually gathering supporters. If they avoid dumping Hive and Leo, you’d likely get your fair share of upvotes anyway.
  • Avoid generic posts. Be genuine. Be original. Be yourself. Hive is basically a social network blended with a creative platform. Few people here are interested in boring, rewritten content from elsewhere, possibly AI-enhanced. The Internet is flooded with such crap. Do you read it? I don’t.
  • Write on the topics you relate to and skip the others. Did you know there are other contests and initiatives? Just off the top of my head, we have Monomad Mondays, Three Tone Tuesdays, Wednesday Walks, Throwback Thursdays, Market Fridays, Beer Saturdays, and Sublime Sundays… Check them out!
  • Engage with other entries. Have you noticed that most entries have little to no comments and just a handful of upvotes? Are the posts so dull that nobody really cares about them? Then why should they get curated? You can help us evaluate the entries by engaging with the ones that resonate with you.
  • Learn from the successful authors. Some people are naturally gifted in writing, while others spend years improving their skills. You can definitely learn a thing or two while browsing the other posts. I don’t suggest copy-pasting or anything shabby. Get inspired.

Three Keen Don’ts

  • Do not try to cheat anyhow. Yes, we can tell AI-generated/enhanced text. Yes, we can tell when you’re just rewriting a random article on a topic you don’t relate to. You’ll hardly get curated for such content and may even end up blacklisted.
  • Do not submit your entries multiple times, not even in two days. If your post was submitted correctly, it will be read. Resubmitting wastes the curators’ time.
  • Do not rely on machine translation blindly. It does not always sound good. Besides, you lose control over the text’s appeal to readers.

However, it should be about having fun in the first place. So: Have fun writing, reading, and engaging! It will pay off for sure.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Interesting points. I used to be part of the InLeo curation team and I did my best to reward authentic and quality posts. I am glad to see you are doing the same. Having seen the quality of posts and rewards being given, I was wondering how this was being determined. I might try posting again on my leo account.

Go ahead :)

I don't do that prompt, but those are good general guidelines for Hive. I see a lot of very generic content that is not interesting. I am no great writer, but I will engage with what interests me and some people like what I do. Some will comment on everything, regardless of their interests, to get attention. That is no useful either. Quality matters far more than quantity.

I only participate when I have something to say, I guess you've read some entries of mine. As a curator, I naturally read everything. And then my brain bleeds when Ihave read the same clichés for the dozenth time :)

I feel your pain :)

Ahoj, v posledních dvou hlášeních od @actifit-godfish se Ti nezobrazily fotografie. Protože jsi psal, že ten tag moc nesleduješ, píšu Ti sem.

Díky za upozornění, mrknu na to :)

Writing about what relates, what has been experienced in life keeps the flow and will also resonate to the readers. Thanks for sharing these points.

Well analyzed. Nowadays with writing, fun is underrated. I have a quote that "if you don't do it for fun you cant do it for long".

This is apt, very enlightening. Have taken note of the points. Thanks for sharing.

We'll see if it helped :)

Very good article and encouraging at the same time.

I hope it helped :)

It definitely will 😀

Noted all. I will do better. Thank you for sharing.

Do it the way you'll enjoy it ;)

That I will do ;)

That's right, writing is not easy, many special and interesting things have to be written, then the article is liked by people.

Thanks for sharing, I will keep an eye out on this

I hope it will help ;)

noted I will definitely improve

Let's see :)

Thank you Sir for sharing this Do and Don’t sir. This is a very good guide for me to post sir.

Noted Sir, I will do better

Will you?

I will try my best, sir

I'm your peer, not sir. Try your best though.

Absolutely straightforward.
Just seeing this for the first time.
Thanks @godfish. I have taken corrections and will try my best to follow up the rules.