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RE: Making Names

in LeoFinance8 months ago

However, even though the economy always balances its books, the way we engineer the economy means that we will focus on some development, while ignoring others, even if it is in our best interest to do otherwise. If we really wanted to make the world a better place, there would be no defense spending at all, except that against asteroids, or from alien attack. If we wanted to improve the air, we would be spending as much as we could on better energy sources and storage. If we wanted to improve human wellbeing, we would be spending on preemptive healthcare.

Dear @tarazkp !

Your argument is idealistic and excellent!
However, wars have always occurred because humans always want to have more wealth and power than others.

The war currently taking place in Europe shows that the desires and egoism of humans and groups dominate the world.

Currently, Russia and China cannot cause World War III because the United States is stronger.


However, wars have always occurred because humans always want to have more wealth and power than others.

But, this is only sustainable because of a centralized money system.

Oh, they can definitely cause WWIII. There will be no winners. Everyone will lose.