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RE: Invested Addiction

in LeoFinance2 years ago

I'd say splinterlands like any game can be addictive, however it's more of a healthy addiction than other games as you're playing time is an investment, unless you're me of course that sold a 250k deck power team for less than $2000 a few years back... about $150,000 at the peak... so yeah if I carried on my addiction it could have bought me a small house lol.


Lol, that is crazy! Though I am guessing not that uncommon. I have a fair bit, but I paid a fair bit for it too. If only I had listened to so many of my friends :D

Yeah I think anyone cashing out when I did will have regretted it sorely, I do believe there is another chance to do the same with the new chaos legion... I think setting aside a small budget and a regular schedule to play is a great idea, and if you don't want to play you can rent out the cards you bought on the market safely through delegation... I'm definitely in the mood for stacking up as the prices come down on splinterlands, just be very careful on timing as I think the end of the sps airdrop may drop prices a fair bit further down before 2024 to 2025 (expected next bull run)

It has been less than a year in for me and I am "only" 150% up - but there is time :)