Answering Real Estate & Crypto Questions From Quora Part 1

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Q #1: How Can I Find the Best Real Estate agent?

If you're an investor, then you want a real estate agent who is an investor as well. And those who have experience usually going online to find just an agent is gonna cause problems. You know, I know that most people don't see the value of a real estate agent until they're in the deal and that their agent totally sucks or drops the ball on them.

For me, I've been in enough deals where I know that the reason the deal falls apart is not normally the deal itself, it's the agent, it's fact they don't know how to negotiate, they don't how to bring the price down, they don't know how to hold the seller in the deal. Or they don't know how to if they're if they are the selling agent, they don't know how to get the price up, right, the goal is, you always want people to pay more for your property than they would with somebody else.

So the agents' ability to negotiate the agents' ability to market, the agents' ability to get you into the house before everybody else. And then their ability to put in offers is going to come from experience. So I like agents that are not new, as much as I've trained agents all across the country. And I love agents, I hate working with new ones because now I'm going to train them on the first transaction. For the first 10 transactions, I look for someone who's got two to three years, five years of experience in the business.

I like somebody who's an investor because they'll understand the game a little better, they understand the leverage options, and your agent should be able to help you get the money too. If you come and work with an agent and you tell them that you don't have money, they should say this is the process of how to get it. So these are qualifying things to check in on your agent. If you can't get pre-approved, they shouldn't be throwing you away. You're still a human being with a desire. It takes two things to buy one desire for money, and an agent can help you get the money As long as you want the house badly enough.

Q #2: I have $5 million invested and I'm willing to lose it. Should I invest it all in random crypto coins or real estate?

If you want to hold on to it and you want to make a good return. Take that 5 million and buy $25 million worth of real estate, because of the leverage factor Real Estate's gonna allow you to multiply that five times, which means your 5 million is now earning 25 million. So if you're making a 10% return on your crypto bet 5 million gets you a 550 1000 $500,000 paycheck.

If you're earning 10% on real estate, that same five that $5 million bought $25 million with real estate which now allows you to earn $2.5 million so 10% when you start playing with leverage can be a very very good return on investment so for you make the decision yourself but if I were me, I would be deep in a real estate like I am. You froze and got $5 million by asking questions on Quora. You get financial advice. Cheap,

Q #3: How profitable is real estate marketing?

Like the market, probably somebody who's a real estate agent looking to market themselves. And if that's the case, then I would say it can be extremely profitable if you go in the right direction. So for me, I spent all my marketing dollars on Facebook and maybe a little bit on Tick Tock but most of it's on Facebook and it has been for the last decade. And I've gotten a ton of return on investment.

I don't have to find buyers to come to me. I don't find sellers, sellers come to me. So marketing makes a ton of sense if you do it right. If you're spending money on marketing and you're buying Zillow leads, the breakeven point will really be based on your conversion.

How good are you Going in connecting with somebody how good are you at moving them forward and how good are you negotiating your commission so there are some cities like Boston New York, San Diego Miami, where you can spend money on marketing dollars and even an idiot can make money because the conversion is going to be the just the price of the value of the property is gonna be way higher then you've got the Midwest where it's like dude like you got to close a couple of these to make that marketing work.

It really depends on where you're location-wise and what your marketing dollars are spent on. I would strongly suggest putting them into Facebook ads or YouTube ads and then that would make sense but not just throw money at it you've got to do the detailed work behind you got to do the research.

Marketing on the digital world is very very time consuming and you've got to get the right professionals to help you do it I don't do my own marketing I hire a team and they're fantastic at it and one more step if you're going to be marketing get your brand right because if you do not brand not right then you're gonna be in trouble from the beginning.

Q #4: I see random cryptocurrencies mixing all the time. Should I invest my money in random coins?

Some coins will go to the moon, some coins will actually explode but then other coins are complete dogs, they do nothing except going down in value. So there is the strategy of just taking $1,000 and spreading it across 10 coins and seeing what happens. Here's what I've learned: $1,000 will not make you rich. Imagine you could take $1,000 put in a coin that is 10x and that $10,000 is not going to make you rich.

So it doesn't matter even if you do have the ability to 10x on a token if you're not betting enough if you're not putting enough on it so I don't. I don't believe in investing in stuff you don't understand or don't know.

Like the tokens I'm in I know the size of the community I know what the capacity the community is I know how much those tokens can move up and so I base it off of where I'm where I see the potential for the coin is in a coin I haven't done the research on I just won't put my money into it doesn't make sense.

Now if a coin is getting a ton of publicity maybe you could pump and dump with it with the whole society with everybody like Shiva we just did with Doge we just did so there are ways to make money but if you want to make consistent money buy real estate, if you want to build a business if you want like long term wealth build real estate, build a business go in those directions and you take your cash that you get into extra and put it into coins, but if I were to pick a coin I'd be on Bitcoin or Ethereum and because they're big just they're big, they're stable.

They're relatively stable and they fluctuate a lot but they're fluctuating because banks are moving in right that's why banks are moving in stupid people are moving out so you're going to see the bank pushing the price goes up all the Sue people try to take their wins they get out price jobs back down banks move back in so you're going to see this fluctuation of Bitcoin all the way to the top but it won't be normal people in it by that by the end. So if you're smart, get into bitcoin early and hold it but if you only have $1,000 put in Bitcoin you got a bigger fucking problem, right?

Q #5: Is the real estate market booming in your city?

Yes, compared to last year compared to the year before. The real estate market is booming in every city, all across the country. Everybody is seeing massive inflation. The coastal states are seeing significantly more. If you're in Boston, if you're in New York, if you're in New Jersey, if you're in Miami or LA, you're going to see that your prices have just gone through the roof.

And even in the Midwest, we're still seeing 10-20% increases in prices over the last two years. So yes, Home prices all across the country are going up. This is a sign of inflation. Because the dollar is going down in value, the assets are going up in value even though you're not seeing inflation in your groceries and your normal groceries that have no that's not where the real money is made you become poor because you don't own assets that are going up in value. Whether a bread goes up or down a couple of pennies that inflation although it does exist is still small. Inflation on assets is freaking huge, and pretty soon most people aren't gonna be able to afford them.

Join My Mission To Build 100 Millionaires!

As many of you know, I built my wealth through Real Estate and only now learning more about crypto currencies. I've found Leofinance to be a great place to share my insights and although I don't claim to be an expert in Crypto, I am considered a leading expert in small multi-family investing.

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Thank You To This Community!

I provide these insights as a way to give back and help others who find themselves on the same journey I was when I got started. I want to say thank you to the Leofinance community for giving me the opportunity to learn more about Crypto as well as to the creators and team for providing many great avenues for investors to grow their wealth and knowledge in one easy place.

Cheers to our success!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


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