The Crypto Workshop With ScaredyCatGuide Mitch Jaworski Is Coming!

in LeoFinance3 years ago


Ready to level up your crypto knowledge?

Cryptocurrency is the next iteration of the Digital Revolution
Understanding the crypto products and technologies is vital if you want to profit from it. In the coming workshop we'll deep dive into many topics:

  • What are NFTs and where to buy them?
  • What is Decentralized Finance and Crypto Staking?
  • How much can I earn Staking Crypto?
  • What are the best platforms to buy crypto on?
  • How do I pick the right cryptos to buy?
  • How to spot scams so you don't become a news story?

Don't spend weeks trying to figure it all out on your own. Let me school you in 2 hours. Sign up here:

Invite Your Friends That Want To Learn About Crypto!

Save yourself the dozens of hours it takes to train your friends and family on crypto and instead have @scaredycatguide do all the heavy lifting for you! Mitch has been training dozens of the Alchemist Nation community with his recorded and live trainings on how to invest in crypto and jump on LeoFinance. Let's give him and his efforts support by letting more Crypto Newbies know about what he is doing!

The more people he educates, the more people we will have here on LeoFinance and keep this Web3 platform growing the way it deserves!

Cheers to our success!

Follow For Truth @GualterAmarelo @Scaredycatguide

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Sounds pretty intriguing... I'll have to check it out! I'm not exactly a newbie in this gig, but I do have some gaping holes in my "education," including (for example) the finer nuances of NFTs.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Let's get you coached up! We'll go down the rabbit hole on NFTs a bit, not level 3 but atleast touch on level 2. Thursday 7pm EST.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This to me will give leadway to help newbies, friends and families to understanding how crypto works.
Thank @gualteramarelo for the information. It's just to put a call across to Mitch for a crypto eye opening class.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hell yeah! Gonna get those crypto newbies coached up and even some people that aren't crypto newbies!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta